View Full Version : Why ISM's think it is unsafe to start service?

3rd Dec 2009, 13:41
Dont know how long this has been the way it is done but know it was not like this not that long ago.

When the cockpit cycles the belts it used to be the start of service by the cabin crew. Now the belts get cycled and nothing usually happens. On two flights I have been on recently upstairs as a pax on the 400 it has gotten to the point of the belts being turned off, passengers begin wandering about and going to the loo etc but the crew are still strapped in. Both these times a passenger has asked the girl sitting by the door for something and she has said something and just remained seated. Could not hear what was said but the guy asking returned to his seat looking slightly confused.

How does the ISM know it is safe? What are they waiting for? Is it just to assert authority to let the crew know that she/he is in charge and they will work when she/he is ready and thinks it is safe for them to work? If it is just about angle of the cabin that is something only the front will know what will happen, if it is about anything else surely the ISM would have to do a quick tour of the cabin before allowing work to start. It seems to me to just be a way to reinforce that the cockpit dont really know what is going on and that the ISM knows best, rather stupid thing to reinforce especially with so many young crew.

Not only does this make it look like the crew are not communicating or do not know what is going on to the passengers as most know that there is a sign from the front when they can begin work. It also reinforces the belief that the ISM is in charge. Wont post what the most recent CRM course I did with the cabin crew and cockpit crew was like as it is a public forum but I think the idea that the captain is in charge needs to be reinforced.

Anyone know the reason as to why we do it like this? Understand belts being cycled and the ISM then calling all stations but why the wait, just makes us look unprofessional as an airline. If anyone knows what the ISM knows that we don't about weather it is safe to work please enlighten me. Both flight this happened on it was very smooth. Minor I know but whats the point?

3rd Dec 2009, 13:50
Small point of order :)
The captain is in command.
The ISM is in charge of the passenger cabin.

Sounds like one of those "Aahh, so THAT'S the reason!" scenes.

3rd Dec 2009, 14:00
Well actually the ISM is not in charge of the cabin, the most senior member of cabin crew but the captain is still in charge, even of the cabin. Or have I missed something? Understand that the ISM calls all stations before they get up, what I am asking is why have they started to wait so long?

3rd Dec 2009, 14:30
probably some sort of power trip thing with the ISM, who really cares anyway. Let them have their moment in the sun, we all know who's in charge.....

3rd Dec 2009, 14:39
This is one of those things which has gone back and forth between FOP and ISD, and been over-managed in the usual CX way.

Here is the story...

Once upon a time, the seatbelt signs were cycled when it seemed safe for the crew to work. But it then subsequently became bumpy, and one of the cabin crew one copped a "work related injury" in a galley. The CSR stated something along the lines of "it was bumpy, but the cockpit crew had cycled the signs so we had to start the service".

The ISM's are now supposed use their common sense :oh: and evaluate if conditions are safe to work before releasing the crew....

3rd Dec 2009, 14:47
The ISM's are now supposed use their common sense and evaluate if conditions are safe to work before releasing the crew....

Then what is it we're doing up in the front? Cycling the signs as soon as wheels come up? Stupidly overmanaged, and I agree that the ISM was probably just asserting her authority over her minions.

ron burgandy
3rd Dec 2009, 21:28
And there I was thinking that picture box up the front with blue and brown and a cross in the middle told us what the angle was. All along I should have been asking the chief and ignoring the fancy pictures:}

4 driver
4th Dec 2009, 00:07
five sectors in Nov as a pax and, on everyone,
the IM did not release the cabin crew until the seatbelt sign was turned off - not cycled. why do we even cycle it ?

4th Dec 2009, 01:17
I have seen the same scenario that SloppyJoe was talking about take place.
Rather comical to see the passengers walking around the cabin and the crew strapped down, wide-eyed, and on the verge of panic (as in what should I do?)

Bizarre that the ISM can access the conditions as safe from her position in the cabin.

4th Dec 2009, 02:33
Go to the galley and start making yourself a drink and something to eat, I guarantee u will never have seen a CC move so fast :}

4th Dec 2009, 02:54
Why? didn't you get fed at home?

Come and help out in the cabin too, since you are overall in charge..

4th Dec 2009, 03:59
I am also curious as to how the ISM makes the decision to let the crew work after waiting a finite period of time after cycling the belts.

Maybe they have an 'iWeatherRadar' app on their iPhones.......let's face it....it wouldn't be hard for the app to give a more reliable indication of turbulence in cloud than the airbus radar!

On a slightly different vein, I was recently paxing to HK on ID travel, and was seated behind the bulkhead near two crew seats. During some fairly rough bumps, the crew asked the cabin crew to please be seated..........imagine my surprise when two crew came and sat down on the crew seats, BUT DIDN'T BUCKLE UP. Seatbelts were left dangling down beside them.


4th Dec 2009, 05:33
I personally couldn't care less what is happening in the cabin except in an emergency. If CX wants me to care they would have to pay me extra, simple.

4th Dec 2009, 12:55
I personally couldn't care less what is happening in the cabin except in an emergency. If CX wants me to care they would have to pay me extra, simple.

Well if a Court of Law sentences you to jail for manslaughter and you get to serve some hard years, you might reflectively give it some thought...I saw this happen to a friend in Germany some years ago...

4th Dec 2009, 14:53
manslaughter? was the service that bad?:}

(Of course I care about safety related issues, I was referring to the quality of the inflight service/working pattern of the cabin crew etc.)

4th Dec 2009, 15:08
WongSuzie made a funny.

5th Dec 2009, 08:19
WongSuzie made a funny

Yeh, but I don't think she meant to :ugh:

9th Dec 2009, 11:10
Was told during the recent annual hand holding course that the cabin crew have been told not to alert the cockpit crew of any abnormalities they notice until 60 seconds after V1. Quite how they know when V1 is is a little beyond me. :suspect:

10th Dec 2009, 10:12
Quite how they know when V1 is is a little beyond me

I think the CC have an IPhone app for that :}

10th Dec 2009, 13:16
very condesending and patronising, you are exactly the type the girls can't stand.

10th Dec 2009, 23:07
One wouldn't dare be Condescending to you suzie my dear.
Now run along and get us a cappuccino would you darlin'?

What was that about tongue in cheek comments going over the top and out the door?

10th Dec 2009, 23:36
OF course the ISM is in charge of cabin service! Whoever, disobeys her/him then that cabin crew will surely have a hell of a flight to remember. That's the CX way!
And, why didn't you ask the ISM the first place?


Five Green
11th Dec 2009, 03:04
Weatherman (Ron B.) :

And there I was thinking that picture box up the front with blue and brown and a cross in the middle told us what the angle was. All along I should have been asking the chief and ignoring the fancy pictures

Out of curiosity, what would be the deck angle limits that you use ? Have you ever not cycled the signs because the deck angle was too high ?

I think that crew here are far to quick to cycle the signs. On a quick TPE there may be a need but not on anything else !!



11th Dec 2009, 12:30
ISMs have spend many thousands of hours serving in the cabin. They are by their experience, very knowledgeable and capable with regards to their jobs and also as to what can be accomplished and under what conditions. They rely on us cockpit crew to protect them from injury when we judge the conditions such that they should secure the cabin and be seated.

However, the ISM is empowered to direct the service be suspended or modified if they perceived a risky situation to be developing, even if the cockpit crew have not perceived or recognized any risk.

Some times the cabin service will be dealing with near boiling fluids being poured at the pax seat and at other times merely handing out bottled water with caps. The risk varies during the service...

If any cockpit crew thinks that he/she could do a better job in the cabin, then perhaps you might consider quitting your flight deck job and rejoin as cabin crew at the lowest grade and work your way through to ISM.

Work with your ISM and look after her/him, seek her/his counsel and they will most certainly look after you. This will ensure that you will have a safe, happy and rewarding fright (flight).

Ex Cathedra
11th Dec 2009, 15:21

Hear, hear...

"A pilot dies and goes to hell (as we all do). In the waiting room he sees 3 doors and decides to take a peek. Behind door one there a crew perpetually fighting multiple emergencies and sweating bullets in a sim. Behind door two there's a crew in a never ending long haul night flight, with no relief crew, forced to stay awake. Behind door three there's a crew chatting up two hot hosties on their lap and being poured coffees and served food by two more.
Satan eventually arrives: -Alright, here's the deal, you pick one door, you get in and you stay there 'til the end of times.
-Oh well in that case I'd like door 3 please.
-No, no. Door three is flight attendants' hell."

11th Dec 2009, 23:16
Flexible Response,

I wouldn't argue that the girls have a handle on the level of turbulence required to spill a coffee.

I think the question is one of logic.......how can the ISM have any idea of the impending turbulence levels after the signs have been cycled? They have no information on turbulence other than what is being experienced at the time....but it seems like some ISMs will 'wait and see' before allowing the crew to work.

Really annoys me when I'm on first rest........if the ISM waits for too long, I've got to stare at that wan*er in the sandals rotating his ankles and walking on the spot in the park prior to starting my movie!!!

It's all about me!


PS......wongsuzie: You and your ilk do a fantastic job, and I appreciate it immensely. One quick point though......coffee should never, EVER, be served with cream!

12th Dec 2009, 05:34
On the contrary, HUD-man (I used to love my HUD as well...), coffee should NEVER be served with milk. Unless, of course, it is full fat and heated.


12th Dec 2009, 10:32
what great CRM guys.

Now, I would think twice about that coffee..

12th Dec 2009, 21:22
OK, lets look at actual reality, for cabin staff.
The senior cabin gal/guys runs the show in back.
Captains (and other FD personnel) in reality have no say in the matter, nor should they.

And, if these FD types butt in, they should think twice (if that's possible at CX:})...cabin service is not especially easy, when things go wrong...bouncing around like a cork in the ocean, for example.

Leave the cabin staff alone to DO their designated job.

Full stop.

For FD folks to interfere is the height of poor/self-serving 'responsibility.'
IE: total cr*p.

We hire professional CC folks at our company, and I let them...DO THEIR JOB.
No complaints from our end.:ok:

12th Dec 2009, 23:33

Sorry, but I don't think you really fly. 7000+ posts on pprune, when do you find the time?

More of an armchair pilot me thinks!!!!!!

Kurtis Chukle Willis
12th Dec 2009, 23:39
411 A 4 a#$hole,

Two posts a day for the last ten years!

You must be trying to set some sort of record.

Life's too short old man, envy is a deadly sin.


13th Dec 2009, 06:10
I was not saying that we should get involved with what goes on in the cabin as it is the ISM's job to run the show nor was I saying they do a bad job. Just dont understand what they are waiting for. Last flight I was on belts got cycled then there was an instant bing bong and all the crew started working, that is how it should be unless there is a reason that the cockpit crew are not aware of, I just have never seen the reason for the wait on the flights I am a pax on. Maybe I have not spent enough time in the back to know what 20+ years of experience tells someone that it may get bumpy and even though pax are wondering around it would be too dangerous to let the crew work. Only reason I think it is a bad thing is because it looks unprofessional and a break down in communication.

If the ISM has had a look at the weather and sees a huge wind increase at 10K then ok, that would be a very fair reason to wait till above 10K to let the crew out, other than looking at the weather before the flight I cannot understand how someone knows what may happen and why it is best to wait 10 minutes after the belts are cycled in smooth air at 5K.

13th Dec 2009, 09:57
Well said 411A!

The reason is mostly the deck angle. Until acceleration past 250 thru 10,000 or whatever it happens to be for the airspace, the deck angle is simply too high for walking around in heels, opening galley compartment and cart doors, or rolling those heavy carts around the cabin especially for our CC girls who are pretty much all... not big girls! So unless you have tried to do what they do in heels, it's easy to understand why the confusion. It's really up to them to decide when it's safe and comfortable to get up as far as deck angle or turbulence level since it affects them, not us. All we're doing is letting them know WE think it's safe to move around from where we're sitting, pretty and strapped in. Try taking a piss before 10,000 feet next time seeing how akward it is and then imagine yourself trying to serve drinks and push carts at half the size you are. If you think you should be able to tell others how to do their job when you are not qualified to do it yourself nor have you any experience doing it, you've got some micro-management sickness issues. Just relax.


13th Dec 2009, 10:54
So that must mean some ISM's with 20+ years experience think it is ok and are putting the cabin crew at risk. The acceleration rarely happens at 10,000 it is usually before the belts are cycled. Have not been in the company that long but don't think it has ever been at 10,000 that the aircraft has accelerated. I know it really does not matter in the scheme of things but just looks so stupid when pax who are paying 10,000's $ get told that they cant have a drink as it is not ok for the cabin crew to get one for them even though they are free to wander around and do as they wish. If this is the case why don't we move the seatbelt sign back to the ISM's panel? If it is about deck angle why not tell us what this deck angle is and when it is below that and unlikely to go above it again, something no ISM would know, we can cycle the belts. If it is about safety why are we not given better guidelines about when to cycle the belts so that we can make sure that some of these very experienced ISM's who behave so carelessly by allowing the cabin crew to start work as soon as we are above the MSA and cycle the belts do not endanger the crew on every sector they operate with this reckless attitude to working with a high deck angle?

I am not saying I know better and would not want to do their job I just don't understand what the point of this is and what some ISM's (a lot it seems) are waiting for as it looks really stupid from a passengers point of view, that is all. I do not want to tell them how to do their job and respect that they have a lot of experience and have been doing this since I was a toddler.

13th Dec 2009, 12:44
Unfortunately so many things look stupid from a passenger's point of view and thats even when I as aircrew am a passenger. Sitting next to the galley and hearing cabin crew talk about certain passengers or shopping or doing their nails does not come across as sounding very professional....but then look at the Cathay now compared to the Cathay 20years ago. It is two different airlines in practically every respect.

Air Profit
13th Dec 2009, 15:05
The way this is going i'll have to start another 'religion' thread..! :E

13th Dec 2009, 22:51
Jesus H. Christ Air Prophet - I sure hope not!! :}

14th Dec 2009, 00:15
Thats all we need is Air Profit to cry to the moderators again and have this thread deleted as well!

What in gods name is happening when even "rumours" are being deleted on a rumour forum! Yes the rumour of a god!

14th Dec 2009, 01:51

I was talking about the restriction of 250 kts. or less until 10,000' being the most common altitude for accelerating past 250. There's a very noticable pitch attitude change at that point. And you don't need a attitude indicator to notice it.

14th Dec 2009, 05:19
so was I, very rare that we stay under 250kts under 10K. Not been in the company that long so not that many sectors and all are when we are pretty heavy but dont think I have ever been on a flight where we were waiting for 10,000 to go past 250kts as we are usually doing 285+ by that point. Normally under 5K or there about we accelerate.

14th Dec 2009, 05:35
yes, whatever we're doing until then, we do go much faster once we get there. even if we're faster than 250 due to heavy weight. going faster means lowering the pitch. why are you arguing the obvious? forget it already.

14th Dec 2009, 06:42
Not to mention the fact that when we ding the belts for the cabin crew to work, its not as if they haul out the carts and start pushing them down the ailse within moments....:rolleyes: there is loads of banging and crashing to go on before that happens:E...so deck angle doesnt really come into it:=

And 411A has a hard on for blasting CX at every opportunity, no matter how tenuous:rolleyes: An old try hard reliving the dream he never had:D

14th Dec 2009, 06:51

I was not arguing I was telling you what happens and asking why ISM's wait. You have lost me now so I will forget it as have no idea what you are talking about.

14th Dec 2009, 07:05
tomcat is too busy to reply - he is writing "Handling The Big Jets Vol. 2"

Steve the Pirate
14th Dec 2009, 07:28
A bit off thread but I want to know why I hear banging and crashing in the galley after having been advised that the cabin's ready before take-off. I would have thought this was a far more pertinent safety debate than when the drinks get served.

14th Dec 2009, 10:30
Two things :

1) Suzie, PPRUNE stands for Professional Pilots Rumour NEtwork, nothing about CC in there, hows that for patronising :}

2) If the tech crew deem it safe to start cabin service, what right do the CC have to override that ? Other than the obvious answer of turbulence.
Some pax, especially J and F, pay a lot of money to be sitting there, and rightly or wrongly, don't want to wait that extra 5-10 mins for their feed and drink.

14th Dec 2009, 13:58
I think what most pax and slf want is some degree of consistency. those pax who understand what the cycling is for will just be a bit confused. i can't imaging the flight crew cycling the belts just as they are heading innto heavy wx!
but no matter what you pay or where you sit, to be worried about getting your drink fix a few mins early is a bit lame, exp on a 15 hour flight!

now the comment about the dude in the health video, well that made me laugh! agree!!:D