View Full Version : Security?

17th Aug 2001, 17:17
Melchett: `Security' isn't a dirty word, Blackadder. `Crevice' is a dirty word, but `security' isn't.

Edmund: So, in the name of security, sir, everyone who enters the room has to have his bottom fondled by this drooling pervert.

Darling: Only doing my job, Blackadder...

Edmund: Oh, well, how lucky you are, then, that your job is also your hobby.

Melchett: Now there's another dirty word: `job'!

Edmund: Sir, is there something the matter?

Melchett: You're damn right there is something the matter. Something sinister and something grotesque. And what's worse is that
it's going on right here under my very nose.

Edmund: Sir, your moustache is lovely...

Darling: What the General means, Blackadder, is: There's a leak.

Melchett: Now `leak' is a positively disgusting word.

:D :D :D

17th Aug 2001, 17:32

18th Aug 2001, 14:36
So cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel...

Rude C'man
19th Aug 2001, 00:02
"As cunning as a fox who's got a degree in cunning"

[ 18 August 2001: Message edited by: Rude C'man ]

19th Aug 2001, 02:18
Tell your wife to come over here, I've something she can hang a damp towel on!!
Woof Woof :D

Avoiding Action
19th Aug 2001, 03:09
Baaaaaahhhh! :D

Gentleman Aviator
19th Aug 2001, 11:49
Bobby -- Ahem. Driver Parkhurst reporting for duty, my Lord . . .

Flasheart-- Well, well, well. If it isn't little Bobby Parkhurst--
saucier than a direct hit on a Heinz factory.

Bobby -- I've come to pick you up.

Flasheart -- Well, that's how I like my girls--direct and to my point.

Bobby -- Woof!

Flasheart-- Ah! Tally ho, then! Back to the bar. You should join
the Flying Corps, George. That's the way to fight a war.
Tasty tuck, soft beds and a uniform so smart it's got a
PhD from Cambridge.

Flasheart-- You could even bring the breath monster here. Anyone can
be a navigator if he can tell his arse from his elbow.

So true Flash, so true!

[ 19 August 2001: Message edited by: Gentleman Aviator ]

19th Aug 2001, 12:23
"A stickier situation than when Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun!"


19th Aug 2001, 15:50
"Sire, Would you allow me to offer my deepest contrafibularities to Dr Johnson for completeing his Dictionary"


murph x x x :D :D :D

Gentleman Aviator
19th Aug 2001, 16:57
Edmund: Certainly, sir. I shall return interphrastically. :D

19th Aug 2001, 17:03
Yes.......Prat at the back!

20th Aug 2001, 00:31
...then I machine gunned my phone number in her wall, and shagged her sister.

20th Aug 2001, 02:30
Message content removed to alleviate boredom, but header left to explain Beagle had a reason for the follow up.

[ 20 August 2001: Message edited by: Archimedes ]

20th Aug 2001, 08:27
Presumably you mean ATP 56A? Any search engine will find it quicker than a quick thing; I understand that it was put there quite intentionally, nothing to do with Capt Cock-up! Except Pt2Ch10U which seems to have a lot of editing cock-ups in it!

Although it quite clearly states that the document is NATO UNCLASSIFIED, I agree that the Internet does seem a strange place to put an Allied Tactical Publication though. On second thoughts though, perhaps as it's so generally available some of our 'customers' might become better acquainted witht the content?

Don't know where you get the 'future options' notion from though; the content is all established doctrine.

Have fun at the Purple Travelodge! You can always download the nice ATP56A diagrams of aeroplanes and colour them in with your crayons!

[ 20 August 2001: Message edited by: BEagle ]

20th Aug 2001, 12:11
:)It minds not me that you dress like a mad parrot and talk like a plate of beans negotiating their way out of a cow's digestive system. It is no skin off my rosy nose that there are bits of lemon peel floating down the Thames that would make better Regents than you.

:confused: Well, bravo!


:D He's mad. He's mad. He's madder than Mad Jack McMad the winner of last year's Mr Madman competition!

20th Aug 2001, 14:58
I had to get some Dettol,still she was'nt clean enough so i decided to have a go at her sister...WoooooooW..!!!! :p

20th Aug 2001, 15:35
This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you got a moment, it's a twelve-storey crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpetting throughout, 24-hour portrage, and an enormous sign on the roof, saying `This Is a Large Crisis'. A large crisis requires a large plan. Get me two pencils and a pair of underpants.
:D :D

20th Aug 2001, 19:05

Thanks for your response to my earlier message, now edited.

Sadly, all crayons have been withdrawn as an efficiency saving, although an emergency stock of green ones remains for emergency use.

My reference to future options was an obviously successful attempt to be opaque. Having regained purple territory, discoverd unclas nature of document, but also discovered some other enquiries making same point about the 'need to know' page had been made....

21st Aug 2001, 02:47
Do you know what it's like to have the wind rushing through your hair?........