View Full Version : What are the locations if you go through Area?

5th Nov 2009, 10:09
I'm starting the college in February for Area. As far as I know the two locations where I could be placed are Swanwick and Prestwick. Are there any other places?

250 kts
5th Nov 2009, 10:25
No there aren't.

5th Nov 2009, 11:18
Pity the system requires a minimum of 10 characters.

6th Nov 2009, 10:58
You could have always put :mad: !!!!!!

6th Nov 2009, 13:40
There's always Aberdeen Offshore.

7th Nov 2009, 08:20
Hi DIAF, welcome to NATS. A perfectly reasonable quetsion, & your contention is correct: by the time you join, any Area ATCO will be working either in Prestwick or Swanwick. There are Area style functions at Aberdeen (as mentioned above) & Cardiff, however, presently these are done by Approach controllers, appropriately qualified. The Manchester sub centre will have moved to Prestwick by the time you start. Good luck wih your studies. Hopefully some of the reactions above haven't put you off before you've even begun...:ugh:

7th Nov 2009, 10:14
There are some Area Rated ATCOs at Aberdeen.

marble bar
7th Nov 2009, 10:38
The Manchester sub centre hasn't existed for years please give it the respect it deserves in it's declining years Manchester Area Control Centre!

7th Nov 2009, 14:19
Hmmmm...quite a few ATCo's at Aberdeen that are area rated!!!:ok:

7th Nov 2009, 16:18
There are probably quite a few (older) ATCOs at various airfields who are area rated but not using the rating. In 'The Olden Days' of 3 year cadetships all successful graduates had at least 5 ratings - and validated them all too! 'SIGH'

Sorry for the drift!:=

7th Nov 2009, 16:20
^Area rated at Aberdeen^ - yes, but not posted there directly from the college though, which is the context the OP was asking about.

7th Nov 2009, 17:03

But look what happened to some of us at airfields who had committed the crime of having an area ticket!

11th Nov 2009, 15:53
I've still got my area rating Cleo and I'm happy!!
Moan moan moan.........That's all these ATCOs seem to do!

12th Nov 2009, 15:04
Hi DIAF, welcome to NATS. A perfectly reasonable quetsion, & your contention is correct: by the time you join, any Area ATCO will be working either in Prestwick or Swanwick. There are Area style functions at Aberdeen (as mentioned above) & Cardiff, however, presently these are done by Approach controllers, appropriately qualified. The Manchester sub centre will have moved to Prestwick by the time you start. Good luck wih your studies. Hopefully some of the reactions above haven't put you off before you've even begun...:ugh:

I've been around internet forums for far too long. I always expect a few replies like that guy's.