View Full Version : What to Expect after CPP Training

4th Nov 2009, 10:19
I am a CP cadet and I am here to ask what to expect upon receiving an offer of employment. I have searched the forums to find out exactly about line traning, type rating etc but have found nothing.

I just wanted to know what to expect from day one: how you are assigned an aircraft type, how long it takes until you are actually flying passengers (on the line is it called?) and any other details that you may think relevant.

Of course it is a long way ahead but this post is merely out of interest.



4th Nov 2009, 10:48
Talk to people about benefits and how things work in general and paperwork, took a couple of days at CX city.

Do a few courses, CRM, Emer training, Do exams (as a cadet I think you wont do that bit as do them in AUS). Flight training workshops, talking about fuel policy etc.

Get uniform measured up and issued.

Do your computer based training for the type you are on.

Do the ground school for the type you are on, about a week in the classroom and IPT.

Start the flight sim stuff ending with a couple of check ride type situations. Go on a flight as an observer on your type of aircraft. Usually a turnaround.

Complete line training flying with a training captain.

Complete the line check, one sector.

Start holding sandwiches and making beds depending what type you are on :)

From arriving in HKG to working as an SO on non training flights is about 4-5. months.

4th Nov 2009, 11:23
Sloppy Joe

I appreciate the breakdown.

Is that 4-5 months duration until you are on a non-traning flight an industry average, or is it shorter/longer?

With regards to line-traning, I have always understood in terms of short haul that you fly 30-40 sectors approximately (please correct me if I'm wrong). Of course in 4-5 months, you will never fly this amount as an SO. So what would be the approximate amount of sectors be?

4th Nov 2009, 15:30
Yeah, if you were going to be flying the plane it would probably be many more sectors. As an SO though I think it is 10 sectors before you are checked out (pretty sure it was 10 but not 100% as it was a while ago) They just want to make sure that if they are having a leak you can turn and pull a couple of times and not hit a mountain. I wouldn't worry about the HKG stuff, if you can make it through ADL it should not be too much of a problem. You then have what looks as though it will be at least 4 years to prepare for the JFO upgrade :)

Industry standard is more as not many SO jobs out there but CX basically do the bare minimum for you to sit in the seat legally. I think they should at least make sure the person in the seat is capable of doing the job of an FO but that is just my opinion.

4th Nov 2009, 15:41
Yes, I think 4 years is realistic. I saw the payscales and they show a 4th Year SO before it goes to a JFO Year 1 so if I assume 4 years, I won't be dissapointed.

One last question. Are you happy!

5th Nov 2009, 14:47
Hi CPP2009,

It's pretty much as SloppyJoe described. Bank on 4 years as an SO and you won't be disappointed!

One question I have for you is are you in contact with previous cadet courses?? It seems like the answers you are looking for lies with them. Especially your immediate predecessors as they will have the most updated info. They are a valuable source of information (and vol.8s for when you actually start at CX).

PM me if you need more info.

5th Nov 2009, 15:32
With only 9% of growth planned for the next 3 years as per new BOP (maybe significant less in terms of aircraft as it seems that 10 B744 freighter will leave the fleet to go to Air China Cargo), hardly any retirements and JFO courses, I would plan on 6 years as SO, considering we have presently DESO's hired in 2006 still waiting for their JFO course.