View Full Version : NATS stage 2 test preparation

4th Nov 2009, 09:43

This is my first post so i apologise if i have put it in the wrong place or should have appended the question to the NATS sticky.
I have just got through to stage 2 of the NATS recruitment process in the UK and was looking for any advice on how to prepare for the FEAST tests that it involves. Nats themselves seem to say no preparation is necessary/ possible and most searches of the internet seem to agree. Im just looking for advice for someone who has done them.
Stage 2 has changed from previous years as there is now no interviews just computer tests all day and interviews at stage 3.
Any advice would be most appreciated.

4th Nov 2009, 11:27
I sat S2 last week.

They are right, there is nothing you can do to prepare, IMO.

Use the time they give you to practice the tests as much as possible. Even if your fellow test mates are whizzing through doing the actual test, don't feel embarrassed to be sitting there practising, they're not gonna pass the test for you, you are.

Just get a really good nights sleep the night before, a big breakfast and make use of the free coffee and lunch they give you. On your lunch break they usually arrange for a controller to come up from Swanwick to sit with you and answer your questions.

To be honest, you could have found this info in the Nats Interview sticky at the top of the page..:cool:

Good luck, S88

4th Nov 2009, 17:11

See my post (#4625) on page 232 of the NATS interview thread, it describes the day quite thoroughly. With regards to prep, there's really not a lot you can do... I played lots of computer games, particularly ones which tested multitasking and reactions, but can't really say whether or not this made a significant difference to my performance on the day.

Generally I'd recommend any other questions like this you should post in the NATS interview thread (it'll probably get modded to there anyway). Also well worth performing a search on it to see if someone else has already asked your question (almost a given that someone has with NATS interview stuff).

5th Nov 2009, 11:38
Hi all,

Would anyone be able to tell me how to get to the Corporate & Technical Centre? I've got my Stage 2 next Wednesday and I'm a little lost...I'll be coming from London.


5th Nov 2009, 12:00

Check your PMs