View Full Version : Nightscanner question

19th Oct 2009, 19:34
Hi All,

Does anyone know if the Nightscanner has an over temp cut off, or similiar?

The reason I ask is that I have a one fitted on my JetBox which is approximately 18 months old and has been used only about 12 times. Last night I used it to recce a landing site and it switched itself off. It had been on for maybe 2 or 3 continuous minutes.

The circuit breaker hadn't popped and the operating switch had not moved, the bulb simply went out. I thought that it had blown. After stowing the light and leaving it for a few minutes, it worked again perfectly and continued to do so throughout the evening.

Any ideas? A gremlin maybe? Or it had overheated and shut off?

Joel :ok:

the coyote
19th Oct 2009, 20:22
I flew a Jet Ranger a while ago with one of those and it worked just fine for long periods. Its a bright light.....on goggles!

19th Oct 2009, 20:57
The one we had fitted to the 109 cut itself off after about 90 degrees of left or right slewing.

19th Oct 2009, 21:06

Is that normal, or a fault, because that would be consistent wih what I was doing at the time.


Devil 49
20th Oct 2009, 14:10
Mine also shuts down when slewed 90 L/R. Resumes illume when slew angle decreased. Our other similarly equipped aircraft also does so.
I wonder if there's a stop that can be adjusted, 90 degrees right is where I most use the light.

20th Oct 2009, 15:09

It must be a design 'feature'.
I feel better that I don't have a faulty unit, if nothing else.
