View Full Version : MACC Scandal!

15th Oct 2009, 18:54
Never posted for a while but boy does this boil my blood!
Anyone remember the guy that was moving from area to twr who had all of the controversy about the assessments years ago? Well he got accepted into tower/app with the others who 'passed' with his moving date being when MACC closed. He's kept a dignified silence all this time being patient and waiting his time out. Everyone else made their visits, bought their houses, made their plans etc.
He finds out yesterday that theyve backed out and withdrawn his job offer. This is after 3-4 years theyve left it till 2 months before MACC closes!
To re-iterate, this guy is
Area ojti,
Watch Training Officer
Local Competency Examiner
Board Examiner
Board Chairman
Was previously valid and an ojti on twr/app for over 10 years.
This guy has been responsible for lots of us on both sides here at MACC (me included) having careers. I am incensed that they can treat people like him in such a disgraceful shabby manner. This is a wake up call boys-if this can happen to him none of us are safe. Maybe time we used some of that dry powder.
I know I speak for all of us when I say you have our complete support.
NATS-these are the sort of guys you should be looking after-shame on you:=

16th Oct 2009, 11:24
Although the news makes me gutted to the core, am I surprised. . . .NO! I can only feel for the individual in question.

This downtrodden unit has been treating it's very hard and loyal workforce like sh*t for years and this is continuing right to the end.

The people who are making these decisions make myself and many of my colegues want to :yuk:

We have been operating waaayyyy over and above our normal call of duty to ensure the transition to NPC was possible and on time, and who will get all the credit ?? That's right, the as*holes who never step foot in that darkened room about the same size as the Starbucks at the CTC, but seem to know so much about it.

My only regret is not listening to the wise old owl who suggested a relaxation in the will to train our college output approximately 3 years ago. That individual has worked for this amature organisation for long enough to see this all unfold. Unfortunately the more junior instuctors still had the good will and never could have imagined the depths that NATS could stoop to, again . . . .shame on you NATS :=

16th Oct 2009, 13:02
Is this guy in his early 50s? I ask because it seems to be secret NATS policy to disregard the career interests of some (not all) highly experienced and capable controllers in this age range.

16th Oct 2009, 13:52
If this guy is in his 50s then by leaving it this late in withdrawing his TWR/APP position, the nats management may be "encouraging" him to leave nats voluntarily and opt for retirement and in that way nats dont have to pay removal expenses etc. Cruel and mercenary it certainly is, but thats the way nats management are nowadays. It is also one less of the CAAPS members to deal with when they decide that it is time to change the terms and conditions attached to the pension fund.

16th Oct 2009, 18:34
I agree with DC10 and chevvron. It is nothing new. It is called 'Discrimination'..........

17th Oct 2009, 08:45
does it annoy me? yes. am i surprised? unfortunately not!

i would sincerely hope that the union can step in on some level to help this individual. If he does end up coming to the west coast of scotland i would hope that the first thing he does is go to his watch management and tell them that he is no longer :
Watch Training Officer
Local Competency Examiner
Board Examiner
Board Chairman

with immediate effect, and that they can stick that in their pipe and smoke it!

world leaders in air traffic my ass :sad:

17th Oct 2009, 09:26
ayrprox-this may sound strange but even after this-i'm willing to bet the last thing he will do is give up those things if he goes north. Why.
I know this man (he's early 40's by the way). I would not be here doing what Im doing and supplying you with fresh cannon fodder without his help. I can remember struggling during my training and him staying 2 hours past his shift finish time to help me get my head around things a bit better. He even rang his daughter to tell her to get the train home from school so he could stay. Not an ounce of frustration, impatience, bad temper, and he never told a soul. Always there with a laugh to lift his trainees. Why? He told me he loved to see young scared trainees come to manch terrified for their futures but loved it even more when he signed their licences after a validation board and off they went to their futures. Belive me there have been many of us. He said he saw it as not helping natsbut helping each individual be something and do more than they thought they could. Cheesy but very inspiring.
I know he has a wife and two teenage kids (cos he talks about them non stop!). I also know he dosnt deserve this but i also know that whoever made this decision dosent deserve him and if anyone at NERL is reading you really should be doing all you can to keep this man on your books (he wouldnt thank me for that) cos there arent many left like him.

Lon More
17th Oct 2009, 16:14
It is called 'Discrimination'..........

agreed; as such doesn't it fall under the remit of an Ombudsman in the UK? Unfortunately calling them in would make a lot of enemies in the ranks of your so-called betters.
I suppose a display of solidarity by those who have been given a transfer is out of the question (probably the decison makers are counting on this) :ugh:

17th Oct 2009, 16:57
been asking about a bit today-consensus;
if he has supporting paperwork (think he will have)
Breach of Contract
Sue NSL for;
Financial Loss
If he goes to Prestwick, depending on family circumstances, it could be a considerable sum.
Because he'd need to move quickly Im assuming he's not doen the training or had access to help,HR etc that the other guys have .
Get the lawyers involved -not union ones or nats ones but independent ones.

throw a dyce
17th Oct 2009, 20:05
Just to clarify that this guy still has a job with NERL at Prestwick.
I can understand his situation having had a similiar digusting,shabby treatment from NSL in the past.However NERL/NSL can always hide behind the ''mobile grade'' clause,and your unit is moving.
Welcome to the the real world,the rest of NSL has had to put up with for years.:hmm:

17th Oct 2009, 21:09
From what I can gather he does not have a posting notice BECAUSE he had the job at manch NSL which ISNT moving so it would mean that they've just made him unemployed. Nothing to do with mobile grade. Get used to the real world? Seems a bit harsh in this case or has the pprune divide and conquer sniping started already. Didn't take long!

18th Oct 2009, 09:12
This just gets better!
Turns out our man passed the interview day for the college and was offered the job as an instructor- this was before any of us other MACC guys came down here as instructors. As release dates took a while he just waited. When nothing happened for a while he queries the college. They tell him manch management told them he was no longer interested in the college as he had a job at NSLManchester when the area center moved- get this- without telling him!
So they turned down a Band 5 job on his behalf without telling him then took away the other job at the last minute when he had no posting notice either!!

Whatever your feelings people you cannot justify any of that- on any level!:mad:

20th Oct 2009, 08:23
It sounds like throw a dyce is slightly bitter. Is that an Aberdeen thing??!!

throw a dyce
20th Oct 2009, 16:49
Maybe I don't know.There aren't too many left that remember the bad old days.
I can say though that NSL need my skills a lot more than I need NSL.Keep wanting VR but they won't give it.If the guy wants to come to Aberdeen and replace me then that would be great.Bit of a pay cut though.:cool:

11th Nov 2009, 09:27
Had a call last night-thought this had gone quiet. Seems our man was finaaly offered his posting (probably after someone realised he could sue them silly) back to nsl in a meeting with a top nsl bod and the union with a couple of conditions that nsl agreed to.
seems he went home from work last night after hearing theyd (nsl) gone back on their word again!!!!!
sure there'l be more to follow but what are these idiots playing at?:=

11th Nov 2009, 09:29
mahaba-pm me if you know any of the details cos this just beggars belief-talk about having no respect or value for staff!

Manchester ATC
17th Nov 2009, 00:04
Not working for um no more.

250 kts
17th Nov 2009, 13:37
Not working for um no more

Who isn't working for who?

17th Nov 2009, 17:39
Can we have some clarification on this please?

18th Nov 2009, 17:18
our man still working in MACC ,joining the tower in Jan

250 kts
18th Nov 2009, 17:52
How about the original poster, Mahaba, giving us an update?

He was obviously incensed enough to post on here so I think it only right that he comes back and gives us the new facts.