View Full Version : CanJet: Rostering, Routes etc.

11th Oct 2009, 11:03
Hello from Germany!
Can anybody tell me something about the rostering, the routes flown out of
Toronto and Montreal bases in wintertime? Are there layovers at caribbean, mexican or US destinations?

Thank you for answering!

11th Oct 2009, 12:26
Canjet is an awful company.

Canada is brutal in the winter...I definitely wouldn't come here if I were you...tell your friends too.

Left Coaster
11th Oct 2009, 18:38
Yup! Freezingwetcoldwindyneedtodeiceallthetimelousypaynogoodhotel scheap companyhastohirejobstealerssotheywonthavetopayfortrainingtos tay alive....oops...was that my outside voice?:E

Mizuno boy
11th Oct 2009, 19:49
Did EPA or Down East International ever hire expats?
Just sayin,


11th Oct 2009, 20:17
Lots of companies have reciprical pilot agreements...canjet does not...and they are scamming the industry by making the excuse that they can't get enough qualified pilots in Canada...load of BULLOCKS! :yuk:

Left Coaster
12th Oct 2009, 16:49
Hey MB...Happy Thanksgiving! I think there was a guy named Laflamme at DEI who might have been an expat! :p

Mizuno boy
12th Oct 2009, 19:28
De best copilot of dem all.

Happy turkey day
