View Full Version : Norwegian hiring only Scandinavians???

9th Oct 2009, 03:50
Heard a rumour that Norwegian is hiring only scandinavians, when it comes to F/Os??
Hope some one can confirm to me that's not true, coz I have applied there:bored:
p.s. are they presently hiring at all, as u see, I have no information at all :ugh:

Thanks for some good news!

9th Oct 2009, 07:43
Minimum requirements for First Officers:

Valid JAR CPL license
Valid instrument rating
Valid proper medical certificate
Valid frozen ATPL theory
1500 hours total time on aeroplanes
500 hours in multicrew environment
English, written and spoken
An advantage if you are fluent in one Scandinavian language or Polish depending of base
No criminal record

9th Oct 2009, 08:19
Hva med kravet om ferdig utsjekket på B737?

9th Oct 2009, 17:20
The minimum requirrements don't mention type rated or not, I think probably is an advantage to have it. Does anyone knows what kind of selection process they do?

9th Oct 2009, 18:53
Selection process is basically an interview. At the moment there are a looong waiting list with type rated applicants. A personal recommendation is very strong advantage...

10th Oct 2009, 05:16
hmm, and aprox. how long is this waiting list?
like, 1-2 months, or 1-2 year?
so, besides an interview i guess there is a sim check, anything else?
so many questions, so little time..:ok:
and one last question, considering i have no info about norwegian, IS IT A GOOD COMPANY TO WORK FOR?

10th Oct 2009, 05:34
I applied couple of years ago...still nothing:)
Have more then 4000h on type but no scandi language.
Scandi language aint so hard to learn...I saw one day in Oslo that even small child speaks it...so its should be easy:)

But be realistic...if holding pool is full of qualified and scandi speaking pilots why they should hire foreigners? People get homesick someday and then they should do new hirening...why bother:)

Good luck

Im still updateing my application couple times a year:):):)
Maybe one day Im gonna fly Rudolfs plane....

10th Oct 2009, 10:04
"hmm, and aprox. how long is this waiting list?
like, 1-2 months, or 1-2 year?"

Seems like the word "waiting list" gives you the wrong idea. 737 Experience and scandi speaker, or forget about it, x months from now it will be the same.

11th Oct 2009, 05:20
si, it is 'scandi' speaker!
can u confirm that, coz it says on their web page that fluent in scandi or polish is just an adventage, not 'must to'?
well, in that case, my x in infinity:uhoh:

11th Oct 2009, 10:33
Dont know for sure, but saying you must speak this and this lanquage might be discrimination nowdays-who knows. So they are most likely avoiding it by saying it is an advantage.

In my opinion, the whole day is much enjoyable if both pilots can speak their homelanquage in the flightdeck.

13th Oct 2009, 04:29
I don't agree with that, I've been working my whole civil aviation career with guys and gals who doesn't speak my language, nor I speak theirs, and it's only unpleasant on flight deck when u have asshole sitting next to you! And he can speak any language he wants, he/she will still be an asshole! :mad:
Anyways, as I see no one hadn't experienced rejection coz of lack of Scandi language, so that's a good thing, hopefully it means it's only a rumour:D:D

Or maybe one should fill a fake application, stating that can speak Scandi, and wait to see if that will change anything:=

13th Oct 2009, 08:02
I suspect it's a simple supply and demand problem. If the company had very few applications then they would hire more people even if they didn't have the language skills.

As it is there are so many in the database who speak a scandinavian language that they don't need anyone else. Personally I think it's a pity, part of what makes this job interesting is the chance to meet many nationalities. As for "idiots" on the flight deck I can assure anyone interested right now that scandinavian language skills are no guarantee the person won't be an idiot :p

13th Oct 2009, 09:37
"a simple supply and demand problem"

thats it!!!

Scandinavians are no exeption when it comes to protectionism.
Down south, they are not any better!!! Sprechen sie frog? que? No thank you, you will not hear from us.


13th Oct 2009, 10:40
Yeah, unfortunately, it's like that in rest of the Europe,
only place to go is Asia, Africa, all the attractive places :}

13th Oct 2009, 18:37

21st Oct 2009, 06:31
so, anyone at the moment had interview with norwegian, or in the process?
how long does it take to get the job from the date you apply?

21st Oct 2009, 08:19
´Had the same thing from SAS years ago. Told them I speak a Scandi language fluently..........English! Never heard back! :((

21st Oct 2009, 09:40
that really pisses me off, not the fact that they require scandi, I understand that, I do!
but the fact they say on their web page that you don't need to know language, that's just an advantage, but if you don't speak language, no chance to get in!
they should just state that requirement in the first place, not give people a chance to hope!:ugh:

21st Oct 2009, 10:33
how long does it take to get the job from the date you apply
are you serious??

One year ago there was a Scandinavian company named Sterling. They had approximate 30 Boeing 737, but they went out of business, and they were not alone.. the hole world are now trying to recover from one of the largest economic crises. And HappyJack, SAS have not been hiring this decade!!

Drop this language thing and wake up and smell the coffee. thousands of pilots are unemployed. There might be other reasons you don't get the job.. go figure

I'm born in one of the Scandinavian countries, I speak and understand Swedish Danish Norweigian. I also currently flying the B737.. But no interview for me either. We just have to wait for the market to pick up :ok:

22nd Oct 2009, 01:56
You are REALLY out of the loop regarding the Scandinavian market if you are upset about not hearing from SAS. I believe the lowest on the seniority list was hired around 1999. You tell me how your odds are for getting a job with the old legacy girl :ok:

11th Nov 2009, 08:39
so, is there anyone who has been hired by Norwegian in last 6 months?
they're getting more planes on a regular basis, it seems..
can;t be so many scandi pilots, they need fresh foreign working force!

11th Nov 2009, 08:53
There is moore than enough 737NG-rated pilots in Scandinavia.

Remember Sterling? Flyme?

11th Nov 2009, 13:21
can;t be so many scandi pilots,

Wrong, there is more Scandi pilots looking for work than you can shake a stick at.

they need fresh foreign working force!

Not sure about that.

Try China, they are looking for pilots.

16th Nov 2009, 06:33
I know China is a good place to find job now!

But, have you ever been to China?:mad:

16th Nov 2009, 12:06
But, have you ever been to China

Yeah Son, I have been to China many times.

Been there, done that, got the DVD.

16th Nov 2009, 13:53
To boil it all down; if you have a typerating but no flying job, and want one...:rolleyes: then why in the world would you keep your hopes up looking at a market that is imploding rapidly? Want to live in Scandiland? Great! But don`t count upon flying for a living (maybe live for flying though?). Pick up your world atlas to go with your subscription to Flight International, and go jobhunting! Get some experience somewhere else, while keeping the Scandi market in the corner of your rearviewmirror. And if, or when, the market starts looking brighter, then you`ll know it`s to to be sending applications. Or maybe flying isn`t that important after all? Whatever floats your boat and so on...:mad:

17th Nov 2009, 18:49
just use google translate fellas, that's what i do, i just changed my name to hansel and frans in the process... :}:}:}

9th Sep 2010, 09:33
How is it now? Is there any hiring in progress, I heard, they added some more aircraft to the fleet?