View Full Version : 40 years Luxembourg IANS

1st Oct 2009, 17:17
40 years of Air Traffic Control Training in Luxembourg (http://www.atc-network.com/News/31355/40-years-of-Air-Traffic-Control-Training-in-Luxembourg-)

Lon More
2nd Oct 2009, 12:18
Here's some of Ab Initio 1 (start date 05/01/1970) doing what they did best.


2nd Oct 2009, 15:14
That bloke with the 'tache in the middle, I'm sure I've seen him in a german porno film.

Lon More
2nd Oct 2009, 20:42
Possibly, although it would have been a Dutch one. He didn't make it through the course. Last I heard he was working on the oil rigs

2nd Oct 2009, 20:57
Much more impressive with beard, Lon! :p

Lon More
2nd Oct 2009, 21:00
Sadly it's now grey:(

4th Oct 2009, 07:42
Forty years later, AI52 is doing there course in Lux

4th Oct 2009, 10:05
Sadly it's now grey :(

Sign of wisdom! ;)
(well, or so they say ...)

Lon More
4th Oct 2009, 12:47
Sign of wisdom!
You MUST be joking!!:}

4th Oct 2009, 13:31
Eh ... that obvious, was it? :E

4th Oct 2009, 16:09
Lon, the location in the photo looks suspiciously like the (long closed and demolished) Cockpit Inn- Was it?

Maxbert (quaffed quite a few there 20-odd years ago :( )

4th Oct 2009, 18:09
Shame they turned it into an appartment block, isn't it ...
Ah, sweet memories!

Lon More
4th Oct 2009, 20:09
Maxbert As far as I can remember it was Pub 13, above the Wimpy Bar on the corner of Ave. de al Liberté and Rue Jean Origer. Probably long gone now.
Another haunt was Pub on the Top on Place d'Armes.
I don't think the Cockpit opened until later. A marvellous collection of aviation photos and artifacts. I didn't know it had closed though.
Normally ended up eating scampi in Grund and then in the Pygmalion the last courses I was on