View Full Version : Skyservice Interview

23rd Sep 2009, 21:29
I have an interview with skyservice in the beginning of this October in Montreal. Can anyone please help me to know what to expect in the interview with the Airline? :confused:
This is my first interview with an airline. I'm so nervous ; I want to be a flight attendant for so long; I want this job so bad.
Please help me if you know any information.
Thank you so much.


24th Sep 2009, 09:55
Went for Interview same time last year was successful how ever EK was also in town at the same time and got the job with them too. Just be yourself, smile smile smile, they will be observing you from the waiting room until the end of your interviews, be honest, don`t over do anything, practice at home answering some usual questions, like why you want this job ect . . . be polite and friendly with other candidates , ask for your interviewers name or business card if possible, shows your interests, and once again be honest and candid, fakes are easily detected :)

Research the company as much as possible, recruiters are suckers for people who do their homework ! Last but not least try to look your best, but not prom night best ! You might want to look at Sunwing and Canjet also, tis the season for hiring.

Good luck

25th Sep 2009, 13:32
Thanks for your info. Montreal 76. I want the job so much. ^^ trying^^ and ^^praying^^