View Full Version : F4-E & F16's

22nd Sep 2009, 07:14
What a beautiful sound.

Where I am currently (on top of a mountain), every week day am over flown by F4's & F16's.

Unfortunately I only catch the tail end of them as I run outside hearing those GE engines tear the air apart.

I had forgotten how loud the F4's are. Even so I do believe the Rolls Royce engined F4's were louder than the GE engined F4's. Am I correct?

Chris Kebab
22nd Sep 2009, 09:42

Where exactly are you:confused:

22nd Sep 2009, 10:16
Am in Crete.

F16's overhead as I write. Can hear twin engined FJ's landing in the distance.
The overhead clouds are causing the noise to reverberate even more. Brilliant.

Chris Kebab
22nd Sep 2009, 10:31
Ah, makes more sense:)

Would agree on the noise, I though Speys were much louder than the J-79. Less smokey tho'..

22nd Sep 2009, 10:47
Currently all flying from Chania.

Glad my memory wasn't letting me down. I also agree about smoke from speys.

22nd Sep 2009, 11:12
A bit like you Chris, I was confused by hval's profile - for a moment I thought it might be a newly formed Scottish Independent Air Force...


22nd Sep 2009, 11:28
If it were the case we would have highly technologicaly advanced biplanes, fuelled by buckfast and mad dog 2020.

22nd Sep 2009, 13:08
Well..... I was at a garden centre just south of Chippenham at about 1000 today (I was dragged there by Mrs N honest...) when a jet flew overhead. Looking up and saw an whar certainly looked like an F4 to me! Looked like it was heading to the secret Wilts airfield.

22nd Sep 2009, 13:23
now now hval

"If it were the case we would have highly technologicaly advanced biplanes, fuelled by buckfast and mad dog 2020."
I think any Scottish Air Force, might manage to have more up to date aircraft then todays RAF, especialy in air transport.
For all the scottish out there , what would you have aircraft wise in the soon to be formed Scottish Air Force (SAF)

Chris Kebab
22nd Sep 2009, 13:27
Well I believe you November.

In a bizarre coincidence for the thread originator i've just been told there is, apparently, an F-4 wazzing around SW England at the moment.

Anone know what that's all about? Presume it's German.

22nd Sep 2009, 18:40
Yes, German F4....working out of Lyneham for next two weeks apparently....over here for some simulated warfare trials with ships off Portland/southwest

22nd Sep 2009, 18:50
OK, for the sake of argument:

Scotland get independence....... FREEEDOM!!!!!!!

and F4s.

England, wants to show, once and for all, 'You're Ours....always have been, always will be!'

So: F4 vs F3 ( probably helped by some Typhoons... if they can be arsed, and aren't too busy at an airshow, or making a TV documentary, or landing gear-up.....again!)

Result: Scotland back under English Rule, Several RAF ACES (and a Typhoon ACE), Scotish Parliment Destroyed, Hagis banned, Scotish Flag banned, Scotland out of the World Cup.... Ooops (That's happened... sorry, this is a Joke post). Welsh capitulate, in favour of close harmony singing. Finally a truely 'United Kingdom'.

History, it writes it's self.


22nd Sep 2009, 19:31
One went over Chesil Beach, (Portland;)) 1610 ish today.(Dutch warship out in Lyme Bay?) Can only have been a "tomb" given all the smoke coming out of it! Fantastic sound though!! Now my son, in the car with me, knows what a real aircraft sounds like.:D