View Full Version : LHR ILS last night.

20th Sep 2009, 18:25
There was some pretty horrible storms over London last night, affecting the Majority of the LHR ILS. KO my SkyDigital when I was watching X-Factor.

What were aircraft doing? I note they were establishing Or Visual approach at 4-5 miles? If Im correct, was this becuase of CB buildup at 2000-4000ft on the ILS was too much?

I noticed this becuase I saw aircraft going over my house and straight towards Crystal palace heading 220* before turning towards LHR.


20th Sep 2009, 18:33
ATC are very cooperative when severe storms are present. Once we were coming in on 09 and from the airport eastwards was just solid red radar returns- looked horrific. We could sneak in before it came over. We advised that if a GA was necessary, we could not follow the procedure and would immediately turn left 90 degrees and track north. They were perfectly happy with that. We got in. They very much leave it to pilots discretion offering advice where they can where storms are located. It obviously reduces flow rate, but the system works well.

20th Sep 2009, 18:47
Hi Rainboe,

Was this in reference to last nights storm? I noticed most flights for example there was two LAM arrivals, they tracked over LCY as per normal and went over my house (15DME) on a heading of 220 (SBS said that anyway) and then turned right 290* (I think) and established somewere over Hounslow.

Would this have been for the ILS Or vectors with step decents by atc and visual approach due to it being so close to the airport? Not sure how it works when this happens, Interesting becuase first time Ive seen it happen. (Obviously its happened before, just I havent noticed)

20th Sep 2009, 18:54
On a good few occasions when a cell was on or close to the ILS I have positioned aircraft a mile or two south/north of the centreline and descended them on a "sort of" SRA, then turned them on to the ILS when they reported they were clear of the cell. Maybe that was what was happening.

20th Sep 2009, 20:05
I think they were vectored to over Croydon/Crystal place region before turning 290/300 maybe towards Richmond area, before establishing.

20th Sep 2009, 20:52
Mine was about 13 years ago. But as I said, ATC are very cooperative and give the pilots a lot of latitude to avoid cells in severe weather conditions.

20th Sep 2009, 23:10
Yeah I saw in that other topic, but what happens when ATC cant give what a pilot wants they have to ride the perfect storm?

21st Sep 2009, 07:31
The subject of weather avoidance has been discussed at very great length elsewhere. Try a search...

21st Sep 2009, 08:04
It was an interesting approach - but the Heathrow ATC guys were doing their usual outstanding job.

2 fairly small but very active cells over North East London. One was about 5 miles west of LAM, the other just south of LAM and extending down to about a 10 mile final. Track to LAM was OK, but after LAM a series of turns was required to bring us down in a sort of "S" shaped gap between the cells, over Hyde park and on to a 5 mile final. Strong tailwind the entire approach, but calm on the deck.

All good fun :ok:

22nd Sep 2009, 21:47
Hah, Wouldnt mind to PM what flight you was? Callsign - I probably saw you, becuase X-Factor wasnt working (Sky Broke) so played with SBS. Just Curious.

And HD, Yeah Ill have a look thanks pal.

Lon More
27th Sep 2009, 00:16
Wow, difficult decision there, X-Factor or Heathrow ATC, :)