Big Dog's
14th Oct 2001, 21:54
Just heard on the news that Big Tone is planning to ask for 150 ex-regular-now on the reserve list types to volunteer for service. An official announcement to come tomorrow. Before you ask, 17 years service, left 2 years ago-ooer!

Anyone got any info on who they are looking for to volunteer?

15th Oct 2001, 01:29
It was on Ceefax earlier - regular reserve and Auggies - specialist skills support required, could speculate, but won't...

Nil nos tremefacit
15th Oct 2001, 02:27
When I last looked at the RAF Reserve List (copy in Carterton Library), it struck me as a very long list. I would have thought that 150 reserves should be easy enough to generate, however....

Several year ago Binnsworth did a check to see how many of the Reserve List they could find. Since many gave their last address as a MQ it transpired that considerably less than 10% were immediately traceable. Those of us with pensions could be contactable through our banks, but the ex-SSC guys and those without any form of pension will not be traced. Binnsworth will therefore have to rely on the right people volunteering.

I'll be very interested to see who is required and, more specifically, for how long. I've still got a SD hat, beret and pair of DMS shoes, but, like most of the other reservists, I've also got a life and commitments that can, perhaps, be put on hold for a few months at most.

Given that Tone has indicated that this will be a long haul, the first question that most people will ask is 'How long am I required for?'. If the answer is 'As long as it takes.', then I can't see many volunteers coming forward (unless of course their airline has just made them redundant).

Presumably everyone will have to go through the 4 week nause of the SERE course, followed by refreshers and ISS/OCC or whatever it's called nowadays. Then they'll have to be updated on all the new management systems. IIP targets will have to be achieved, CRM courses will have to be passed, racial awareness courses must be taken by all of the old bigots. Then there will be the Sqn work ups (with no airframes or instructors because they're in Oman). I would expect to receive my RAF Filofax to record all of this. Past experience then suggests a holding posting in a pointless job unrelated to the reason the individual was required in a location detached from the war, detached from the family and in all probability detached from another base not related to the real reason why the person was called up. :(

I await tomorrow's announcement with genuine interest. One half of me says 'volunteer'; the other half says 'don't be mad, you've got too many things to do outside'. :rolleyes:

15th Oct 2001, 02:40
So will Trust-me-Tone also reactivate all our disused aerodromes, bring those aircraft so carefully preserved out of storage, re-open all the decayed messes, put all the civvie contractors into uniform.....

Seems rather like vainly trying to slam the stable door on a herd of horses which had long since bolted for pastures new? However, if he doesn't want others to leave and make the situation even worse, perhaps some form of retention incentive will indeed be forthcoming?

[ 14 October 2001: Message edited by: BEagle ]

RubiC Cube
15th Oct 2001, 12:19
From the BBC, PIs required for faster BDA.

16th Oct 2001, 02:28
From the Beeb, it's happened! Up to 50% for PI work, "remainder to boost staff numbers...."

16th Oct 2001, 11:25
I seem to recall that they asked Reservists and TA to volunteer for one of the Balkans bashes a while ago. Trouble is unless the Queen signs an official "Call up" notice, there is no requirement for your employer to keep your job open. Surprisingly, there weren't many volunteers.

Gash Handlin
16th Oct 2001, 23:08

For the record they still are asking TA to volunteer for upto 12 months in Kosovo filling the gaps that the regs are too overstretched to fill. (and I have a feeling the situation may get worse in the near future ;) )

And you are correct that as anyone who goes has volunteered there is NO obligation for your civvy employer to keep your job open.

I would gladly volunteer for such an attachment but the prospect of no job to come home to, coupled with the fact that the army pay won't cover the mortgage and bills I'm afraid I can't. But it's a handy little moneyspinner for any of the guy's who find themselves 'between jobs' without the depression and naus involved in signing on!

19th Oct 2001, 02:41
Hey - this may well be a good deal better than sticking with BAe! Now, if i can get them to sign a legally binding contract to give me my job back in 12 months when the recession eases..............

Maybe even worth going back full time - I still have the hat and shoes! Who do you write to/phone?

[ 18 October 2001: Message edited by: moggie ]

19th Oct 2001, 10:02
Moggie said:

Maybe even worth going back full time - I still have the hat and shoes! Who do you write to/phone?

I have heard that the training system is bulging at the seams, and unless you are still current (ish) they cannot take you back even if they wanted to.


22nd Oct 2001, 03:18
Are they looking for Tri-Star crews, current on the 500 but not current tanking, just a question someone asked me.

22nd Oct 2001, 19:00
Well it obviously is not an important requirement. Spent this afternoon between Binsworth and Cranditz, all the people involved are either sick or on leave. Have no fear your helpful staff will always be here to help you, not !!!!!! So if they need people and you may be one of them don't hold your breath. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: