View Full Version : The Ideal CV?

9th Sep 2009, 07:32
Hi there, just wanted to get some information concerning the format and content of a CV to be used for a cadet pilot program. I have some flying experience (27.4 hours to be precise) and would like to get your opinion on how a CV should be designed, taking into consideration that I have very little working experience(been working for 5 months only). And if you have any online solutions please avoid paying sites. Unless you are absloutely certain it is safe and a good investment.! Thanks in advance guys, really appreciate your help. :ok:

9th Sep 2009, 10:21
if the application form you filled in was a tool used by the CX recruitment people to get some basic information about you, then your CV is YOUR tool to tell them more about yourself. what do you want to tell them? what are you proud of, that they couldn't already find out from your application form? that's what should be on your CV.

then obviously, there are the more generic items such as name, basic contact details, work/education background. anything that lists what you've done so far in life.

look online for templates and examples, then use those as references for your own layout. you'll want a clearly written and easily understood CV, something the interviewers will look at and instantly be able to identify your achievements. for a typical graduate like you (or me, for that matter), 2 pages would suffice.

good luck!

10th Sep 2009, 09:50
Cheers hmt, your advice is well noted! Thanks again!:ok: