View Full Version : Stage 2-3 16-17 September

7th Sep 2009, 19:46
Hi everyone!

I took the stage 1 assessment in London last week, and received a phonecall this morning from Cathay telling me I was invited for stage 2 next week, and if successful stage 3 the next day.

I would like to know if other members will be taking stage 2 and 3 next week too. It would be nice to meet before the tests: I'll be flying CX250 from London on the 14th, so if other London applicants are coming we could meet during the flight. Otherwise we can meet at the hotel on tuesday.

I hope I'll be meeting some of you soon!

7th Sep 2009, 20:49
Congratualtions on getting through! Bet you must have been well chuffed after you got off the phone :) Just out of curiosity, do you have much flying experience? I feel that is where i'm lacking and will need to magic some money and get my PPL underway!

I'll assume since I never got a phone call I'll probably get a "sorry not this time" email in the next couple of days. always a disapointment but its not the end of the world!;)

7th Sep 2009, 21:16
Definitely it was one of the best phonecalls I ever got! Now I need to work more to get other similar phonecalls from CX in the upcoming weeks.

I've flown about 20 hours so far, so I'm probably in the middle of the range in terms of experience (I think some other applicants have their PPL already).

7th Sep 2009, 21:21
well best of luck for the next stages!!! :)

better get some kip for my 5am start tommorow :E

8th Sep 2009, 00:11
Hi evalf,

I'm on the same flight as you for the interviews and extremely excited! Would be good to meet at the airport before the flight.

Out of interest, were you at the stage 1 interview on the 2nd or 3rd?

8th Sep 2009, 00:20
I'm glad to hear I'm not alone :)

I've sent you a PM. Hopefully it will be more than the two of us!

8th Sep 2009, 01:35
evalf (http://www.pprune.org/members/267326-evalf)

did cathay offer you ticket ?or you have to get it urself.

i am still waiting for calls.
i believe i will be in stage 2 as well.

gd luck man

8th Sep 2009, 07:52
Don't lose hope if you haven't heard from them yet, because I got the phone call on a completely different day to evalf, so the day you hear from them seems to be fairly random.

Hope to hear from some more people coming along to Hong Kong soon.

takamasa, CX do provide a ticket if through to the second stage.

8th Sep 2009, 08:52
Good to hear they give u the ticket. But how about accomodation and living expenses? Congrats to u guys who got through!:ok:

8th Sep 2009, 08:52

Congratulations guys although I fear I did not get it.

Bobs cousin, you mention you got a phone call on a different day but don't lose hope. Judging by the message history, you got your phone call late last night and evalf got his this morning.

Considering office hours have closed now in HK, Im guessing that I didn't get it as being told on Wednesday would be late notice for having to fly out on the following Monday.

Also being told 2 days later than anyone else would probably be a little unfair if there were to be any preparatory work needed.

Out of interest evalf/bobs cousin, what days did you do the interviews/testing? Who called you? Was it the Australian lady who interviewed us? What did they say?

8th Sep 2009, 08:55
i am so nervous now.
i guess if i get invited ,then i will start with stage 2 too.

wonder if i will be one of you guys next week.

13th Sep 2009, 19:10
Just curious did Cathay pay for your flights to stage 2 interviews in hK?

==> Oh nevermind...just read the thread more carefully and indeed they do for you. I am curious if that has just changed, because in the past you have to pay for your own ticket.

Even if you have to travel to attend your 1st stage interview from one city to another, I don't think Cathay pays for it in North America, I believe...

14th Sep 2009, 08:17
it doesnt matter where you are or where you have to travel to - 1st stage is not paid by CX