View Full Version : Those that failed to get in?

20th Aug 2009, 05:35
Hi All,

If you read some of my previous post you will know that I have recently interview for Cathay and failed at stage 1b, to my great dismay.

I was interested to see what everyone else (who did not get in) is going to do about it?

Is anyone planning on doing an ab initio privately or are you all just going to try and find other work elsewhere and then wait again until next year?

For those more experience pilots, what do you assume the job market will be like for Deso/Defo in mid 2011? In other words is now a bad time to take out a loan and go the private route?

Thank for you help,


20th Aug 2009, 11:16
I'm using the CPP as my backup. If I can get in, then that's great, but if not, then I'll just go with my original plan. I've been working in Korea for 4+ years and have saved up enough cash to pay for all my ratings in cash. I think now would be a terrible time to take out a loan. After you earn your ratings, what kind of flying job are you going to be able to get? There are a ton of pilots with experience out on the street right now, unable to find a job. If you take out a loan, you better have a good plan to pay it back

23rd Aug 2009, 06:42
I wouldn't put all your eggs into CXCPP. So you plan on getting a PPL or CPL and then trying to get in via CPP or DESO/DEFO? You better ask yourself the following question:

1. Do you have access to GA on a regular basis? If you're in HKG, that will be a no, which render the cash you spend on a PPL useless since you can't even enjoy GA on a regular basis if you can't get in.

2. Do you have the right to work in other countries? Just because you have a CPL it doesn't mean you can work anywhere you want. You will be limited to aircraft registered in the same country your license in issued, ie: Aussie aircraft for Aussie license holder.

PPL license won't make things easy. Heck, I have a PPL and the other guy got a CPL and we both got booted at Stage 2 (one where you got interview w/ 1 pilot and all those group exercise). It all comes down to the interviews assuming you even pass stage 1.

As for talks about the industry picking up, a few of the instructors I talked to seem positive. Don't forget tho, there are tons of instructors waiting for the market to pick up and if you got zero experience, you won't be able to take advantage of the up tick.

Customx have the right idea. You should get a job to pay off any kind of loan if you decide to pursue a life in aviation. Life isn't easy consider that I work in an office on a lowly contract and I still make more than some commercial pilots (non jets). As for me, I'm working on my other career option before even re-considering CXCPP. I'm just trying to enjoy my PPL by picking up other endorsements and flying different types.