View Full Version : Medical Check

13th Aug 2009, 07:17
Hello all,

What does the medical check covers?
Is glasses permitted?

Many thanks and good luck!

13th Aug 2009, 14:43
Yes you should definately bring your corrective lenses with you....they will most likely do some tests with your lenses and without...but as long as you are 20/20 with corrective lenses you'll be ok for the medical...

14th Aug 2009, 01:30
what if you wear contact to the interview? then bring glasses to the interview?

i read in other forums that eventhough you don't need 20/20 you can't have more the -6/600 degree prescription.. is that right??

14th Aug 2009, 01:39
so what if i wear contact lens to the interivew should i bring my glasses?

i read in other forums eventhough you dont need 20/20 your eyes can't be worse then -6/600 though. is that true???

14th Aug 2009, 14:24

I would love if someone could clarify one point for me: I'm wearing glasses, I successfully did a JAA class 1 medical so I suppose I would have no problem with the HK CAD one. One thing I'm not sure of anymore though, is if they rely on your glasses to test the "correctable to 20/20" requirement: since it's been over a year, I'm not sure if my eyes may have evolved a little bit, and although I'm sure the variation is small enough so that I wouldn't be out of the range, it's possible that my view with glasses that I've had for 2 years is still 20/20. Do I have to make sure that my glasses give me 20/20 vision, or would the staff during the class 1 medical have an array of lenses available and test me with them to make sure I have 20/20 corrected vision?

Thanks for your help!

15th Aug 2009, 01:06
Go get your eyes tested and take the prescription with you to the medical........................and if you need to change your glasses, well, now would seem like a good time to do it...................

15th Aug 2009, 19:36
Just wondering... Do you have any idea what is BMI limit for Cathay applicants?

16th Aug 2009, 02:06
Anything in the overweight+ range of the BMI scale?

16th Aug 2009, 20:34
no idea about max limit for BMI..but they measure height and weight as part of the medical...