View Full Version : Best paying company

29th Jul 2009, 23:02

Which airline companies pays the highest salaries?
Where does the pilots get the best pay?

I'm having a discussion with a body, who claims that it's the Emirates. But, I'm not quite sure.

Does somebody know?
And let's have some digits :)

30th Jul 2009, 02:45
EMIRATES???? You must be kidding... NO WAY.. Its a a myth everyone believes when the name 'emirates' is mentioned, people think its the best deal going.. And as for which airline pays the best, well its highly subjective, the Guys at SIA in my opinion had the best break, both Captains and F/O's but then living costs in SIN are very high, but lifestyle is excellent.. Now the expats at SIA are having fears and some of them are looking at Middle east.. I also did hear that the Chinese carriers are paying good money, and living costs in China are very low, good standard of living for the money u get as a pilot.. Again its all very subjective, for you it might be the middle east, for me it might be somewhere else.. What I'm trying to say here is that, just big digits on paper does not mean the best deal, one has to consider where the money is being paid in..

30th Jul 2009, 02:48
are you sure this is for discussion? :sad:

30th Jul 2009, 03:49
At this time of recession and depression, a discussion of who pays the most seems totallyy inappropriate. If you want numbers, look in the 'whats your take home pay' thread.
If you have a job right now, you are being paid as much as you have, which is good!

Carnage Matey!
30th Jul 2009, 06:26
Seem to remember FedEx pay pretty well. I've never been overwhelmed by the packages on offer in the Middle East.