View Full Version : CPP Essay Style

23rd Jul 2009, 13:16
I am planning to applyi for CPP and wish advice from pilot regarding on the "presentation" of the two essays. Facts are facts - no one can change. But I wish to know which is the better way to present those facts, rationally or sentimentally:

Rationally: My interest in aviation starts in xxx and I enjoy the feeling of flying in the sky.....

Sentimentally: Aviation is my dream. I am stepping out to reach for my goal. Flying is amazing....

Which is better?

24th Jul 2009, 00:29
go with rationally:ok:

24th Jul 2009, 01:21
IMHO it doesn't matter what type of essay you write, as long as its original and sounds credible. i have a friend who once answered the "Why do you want to be a pilot?" question simply by writing "I love flying" - he was given an interview.

24th Jul 2009, 13:57
thanks for the opinions.

What'bout the tone? plain or strong?

Plain - same as above (rational)
Strong - I have a dream, to dream to fly....blah blah blah....

or all up to me?

24th Jul 2009, 14:13
Don't take this the wrong way Richard but don't bother applying. Maybe you would like someone to do your ATPLs for you too.

24th Jul 2009, 14:55
Don't take this the wrong way Richard but don't bother applying. Maybe you would like someone to do your ATPLs for you too.

can't understand what you are talking about.

or, what are your essays like/how did you present yourself in the interview? things can be presented in many ways.

24th Jul 2009, 16:47
well Richard, I agree with some of the other replies. Those questions are for you to interpret and come up with your own reasons. I don't think you need to discuss that with anyone or ask for any advice. Just be yourself, speak the truth and really reflect on why you want to do the cadet program.

ok thanks.

but what i mean is about the presentation. just like what to wear for the interview (i.e. how to present).

and as told above "facts are facts, no one can change", it's a matther of packaging, presentation. THere are companies doing "professional" pilot "CV packaging/presentation service". Again, facts are facts, how many hours of FL is a fact. But how to present the experience can be a way to gain points.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. and best wishes to your stage 2.

25th Jul 2009, 00:20
Rich, I think what no. 5 was alluding to is if the answers to your questions don't come naturally then you may find the road further on rather bumpy.

Guys here have already tried to point you in a better direction and I agree - it might be worthwhile sitting alone on a hill somewhere to get your ducks in a row as opposed to seeking the answers from a CV factory.

25th Jul 2009, 13:44
OK, I will write according to my own plan.

Just for discussion sake, getting ducks in a row is already a kind of presentation skill/style. Say 10 ducks, a-j, whether a, b, c, d,....j or j, i, h, g,...a is already different in presentation.

26th Jul 2009, 01:22
I would go with d, e, a, j to start with, and then start to focus on b and f. Once that concept has been successfully planted, hit 'em hard with c and g. Don't forget you've got h up your sleeve too.

If you follow this to the letter, the job's in the bag.

OK, OK, sorry man, but are you serious?

Look, here's the deal. Based on these few posts, my impression is you're going to be looking in the wrong direction as the train passes you by. And that's it. Opportunity lost.
It sounds like you're approaching it like a 6th form English exam instead of the well rounded thoughts of a motivated individual.

You need to stop this literal crap and sit down and write a draft. Get something on paper. Just start with a few one liners, reasons you want to fly, maybe some thoughts about flying or where you see yourself in 5 or 10 years. Expand on them if you want to, build them in paragraphs. See what that looks like. If it gets too flowery or too drawn out, trim the edges.
Keeping it simple as has been suggested maybe the best path.

The biggest thing though is it must reflect you, because the interviewers are very good at spotting a Mongkok watch.

I do wish you all the best, but would suggest you ease up on that grip.

26th Jul 2009, 08:34
delete post plz

26th Jul 2009, 11:52
again, just for discussion and i will go on with the way in my mind.

Look, here's the deal. Based on these few posts, my impression is you're going to be looking in the wrong direction as the train passes you by. And that's it. Opportunity lost.
It sounds like you're approaching it like a 6th form English exam instead of the well rounded thoughts of a motivated individual.

May I clarify that it's not WHAT to present in the essays, I have my points already in mind, but HOW to present - aggressively, sentimentally, rationally, boringly?

In CV writing, "active words" (like manage, coordinate etc...) are encouraged. i.e. I managed this project. Rather than, I contacted clients to follow up with their purchase orders etc...(i.e. how to present).

What i'd like to point out is- that no one can really tell YOU what to write for these responses. If you are stuck this is a massive problem as the answers to these responses are in my opinion the reason a successful applicant will get in- devotion, sacrifice, dedication, motivated.. these type of attributes.

Thanks for the advice. Of course the two essays will be the true things. Just I have been talking about the presentation, NOT the content of the essays. These are two different things.

Your points are valued (e.g. devotion etc...). The way to show to the interviewers these attributes is already what I have been talking about.

I think so far only you understand what I am talking about. again, just for discussion and i will go on with the way in my mind.


26th Jul 2009, 20:27

let me offer some words of advice and I hope other candidates will take a few of these things on board.

When I joined as DEFO (I know this is a CCP thread), there were still a lot of stages I had to overcome in order to succeed. Some were pretty easy - i.e sim tests on the 742. Considering I had been flying the buggers for 4 years, there was no problem. Other stages were a little more challenging.

But everything seemed to rest on the cocktail party and the team exercise. You just either had the profile CX were looking for or you didn't. I met some highly experienced FOs during my selction stages; guys with over 10'000 hours on every Boeing you can thing of; guys who flew the checkerboard in the sim in almost typhoon conditions and still landed like it was on rails - with No4 engine out! A lot of these guys I never saw again becasue they just didn't fit.

My point was that you were asking questions on how to approach these essay questions. I'm sure the 2 you are talking about for the CCP are the same for DEFO - why do you want to fly for Cathay etc etc. Providing you are not a 16 year old, I would like to think that you would know how to present yourself to an airline. Do you go the emotional route and say I love flying and if I can't be a pilot I'll kill myself, or do you take a more dignified approach?

If you pass stage 1, you will have 4 more stages I believe including the flight grading. You may score 100% in maths tests (no one ever has from what I hear), get full marks for the motor tests but if you don't present yourself well in the interview or the flight planning team stage, then you just won't get accepted.

I am slightly concerned that you are asking these type of questions so early on and that was what I meant by my earlier sardonic remark.

I wish you all well. The pay is crap as a SO cadet. Thats the basic truth. But after 4 years, it increases dramatically.

27th Jul 2009, 11:08

let me offer some words of advice and I hope other candidates will take a few of these things on board.

When I joined as DEFO (I know this is a CCP thread), there were still a lot of stages I had to overcome in order to succeed. Some were pretty easy - i.e sim tests on the 742. Considering I had been flying the buggers for 4 years, there was no problem. Other stages were a little more challenging.

But everything seemed to rest on the cocktail party and the team exercise. You just either had the profile CX were looking for or you didn't. I met some highly experienced FOs during my selction stages; guys with over 10'000 hours on every Boeing you can thing of; guys who flew the checkerboard in the sim in almost typhoon conditions and still landed like it was on rails - with No4 engine out! A lot of these guys I never saw again becasue they just didn't fit.

My point was that you were asking questions on how to approach these essay questions. I'm sure the 2 you are talking about for the CCP are the same for DEFO - why do you want to fly for Cathay etc etc. Providing you are not a 16 year old, I would like to think that you would know how to present yourself to an airline. Do you go the emotional route and say I love flying and if I can't be a pilot I'll kill myself, or do you take a more dignified approach?

If you pass stage 1, you will have 4 more stages I believe including the flight grading. You may score 100% in maths tests (no one ever has from what I hear), get full marks for the motor tests but if you don't present yourself well in the interview or the flight planning team stage, then you just won't get accepted.

I am slightly concerned that you are asking these type of questions so early on and that was what I meant by my earlier sardonic remark.

I wish you all well. The pay is crap as a SO cadet. Thats the basic truth. But after 4 years, it increases dramatically.

thank you so much for the words and I really appreciate all these :ok:.

THose experienced DE pilots... see? it's about how to present their skills~

I know what you are talking about. But how to get a tix to the group exercise/cocktail party? then you will understand why I asked about the essay. If the essays are well-prepared, at least I can get a higher chance to interview. BTW, I am quite aware of the cadet selection process. those eye-hand coordination game + presentation; interview; group exercise; management interview; medical; flight grading. Just I am not too sure of the order now.

You talking about the pay for a Cadet (at Parafield) or a flying SO? I know cadet could receive allowance for basic living expenses. For the flying SO, if not wrong (HK$32K/mth?), that's already higher than most of the people's salary in HKG.

again, thanks for your points.

6th Aug 2009, 20:57
you should answer:

"I prefer to tell you that in person. I'll see you at the Interview :)"

7th Aug 2009, 08:22
you write well doesn't mean you speak well... or you can present yourself verbally well.

commercial pilots are constanly communicating w/ each other. you got to know how to present yourslf, as in how you tell the control tower what exact flight level you are. i just thot you rather not spend too much time in thinking you should present your essay. just answr the question directly and honestly. tha'ts it. i'm sure that will earn you a spot to the "games". (interview is only granted if you pass the initial test/game)

just take 1 step at a time before thinking so ahead of you. furthermore, CX will abandon/return leased 6 existing aircrafts, and will delay receiving the new ones due to the financial crisis. dun expect CPP takes up 30-40 cadets like before.

9th Aug 2009, 14:42
you write well doesn't mean you speak well... or you can present yourself verbally well.

commercial pilots are constanly communicating w/ each other. you got to know how to present yourslf, as in how you tell the control tower what exact flight level you are. i just thot you rather not spend too much time in thinking you should present your essay. just answr the question directly and honestly. tha'ts it. i'm sure that will earn you a spot to the "games". (interview is only granted if you pass the initial test/game)

just take 1 step at a time before thinking so ahead of you. furthermore, CX will abandon/return leased 6 existing aircrafts, and will delay receiving the new ones due to the financial crisis. dun expect CPP takes up 30-40 cadets like before.
Thank you so much for your advice.

Hm... So, how can I get the chance to show them my verbal presentation and/or behavioural presentation? how to get a chance to play to computer game?

Essay is just one of the things in "my practice list"~

About CX's business, thanks for your reminder. From where did you get to know about their recruitment policy?