View Full Version : Flying with FAA licenses in Sweden as a private pilot?

21st Jun 2009, 18:17
Is it possible to apply to fly temporarily in Sweden with FAA licences as a private pilot? I´ve heard some rumours about this. Anyone have more information?


22nd Jun 2009, 19:32
The answer is yes, you can fly with an FAA Private licence in sweden. You'd have to contact the swedish authorities to get it validated.

23rd Jun 2009, 00:13
I dont know about sweden, but here in Norway(i think its the same in all JAA countrys) you can only fly on FAA license if its commercial. But there are some limitations. Only VFR day(so no ifr) and only fly in the country where the plane is registered.. If you only have a private, you have to convert it to a JAA private pilot licence thrue a flightschool. Oh.. You can only fly for 1 Year on your license from the first logged time. Im actually doing it now before my ATPL connversion :)

23rd Jun 2009, 06:43
You can fly as much as you like with an FAA certificate, provided you are flying an N-registered aircraft:} But not for compensation or hire (commercial ops), with a few excemptions:bored:

If you`re asking about a validation, then I think the period of validation is (still) 1 year. The main idea behind this (I`m guessing) is so that you can keep your flying skills up to speed while converting to JAA/EU/EASA ATPL:ok:

If I were you I would contact the Swedish JAA for the correct info, as there may be some local, national variations. Happy landings!

23rd Jun 2009, 22:07
Just some clarification:

Quote:...you can only fly on FAA license if its commercial...
No. ICAO and EU directives also let you fly on a PPL, on several (reasonable) conditions

Quote:...I would contact the Swedish...
Yes. This is the only way you can be sure to avoid "...there may be some local, national variations..."


24th Jun 2009, 03:02
Thanks everyone. Going to contact Swedish authorities now :ok:

25th Jun 2009, 15:21
keep us updated on what you find out!

1st Jul 2009, 08:43
I called the Danish CAA and was able to get a PPL validation for day vfr, but at a cost of 5000 DKK it just wasn't worth it.