View Full Version : AeroExpo

13th Jun 2009, 11:42
Well worth the trip again - we came away with "aeroplane-buying-lust" just like always. This time it's the Sportcruiser.

We couldn't get a landing slot because we asked too late, so I was much motivated to see how well the slots were used during the morning. Answer - like a very very - very - slow day at the PFA rally....


md 600 driver
13th Jun 2009, 15:41
it was nice weather today saturday

went to look at the diamond twin i thought the sales people were all with customers but after going back 4 times i called it a day they were all just talking to each other

maybe all they do is talk about it, well theve lost my prospective custom

14th Jun 2009, 12:58
Are you sure it is only airplane buying lust you had at the sport cruiser stand?? :ok:

I went down yesterday with my little boy - was a nice day out. Have to say that, being a helo driver, the cockpit of the Cirrus is very nice indeed! Almost turned me to the dark side.....

... and I also didn't get to see what I went to see (the new AirBox) stuff, as the guys were busy when I went past and didn't have time to go back. I shall have to pop down to their offices and have a look I think.

14th Jun 2009, 15:23
It's funny to see this show again. Back in 2001/2, when I was looking to buy something new, the Cirrus salesman wasn't interested in fitting an ADF+DME, and the DA40-180 salesman wasn't either but couldn't, so I bought a TB20.

Air Touring appeared to be missing.

14th Jun 2009, 16:47
hi craig - sorry I missed you - had to deal with the ad sales lady from Today's Pilot.... Awaiting your visit!


14th Jun 2009, 17:17
A flying Avro Vulcan! But not at Wycombe. Saw it flying over the M6 north of the M54. It seemed to be doing a display somewhere towards Cosford. It looked truely amazing.

AeroExpo was good, but the Vulcan topped it!


15th Jun 2009, 12:02
The Czech stand was revealing, uplifting and outstanding!

I told the chap I flew in with not to let me spent any money, came away with a pair of ANR headsets.....

15th Jun 2009, 12:29
A flying Avro Vulcan! But not at Wycombe. Saw it flying over the M6 north of the M54. It seemed to be doing a display somewhere towards Cosford. It looked truely amazing.

AeroExpo was good, but the Vulcan topped it!

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Leicestershire | Saved Vulcan flies in air display (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicestershire/8099679.stm)

And they need funds to keep it flying...

15th Jun 2009, 13:10
The Czech stand was revealing, uplifting and outstanding!

Did they have a nice looking Czech gurl on it??? Dammit, missed that one!!

15th Jun 2009, 14:34
I was at Cosford yesterday,

All I can say was the Vulcans roar has been greatly missed, has been about 17 years since I last saw it there.


15th Jun 2009, 17:30
I saw her over Bourton on the Water on Sunday afternoon and was so excited I couldn't speak! I was enjoying a lovely day in the country with my new girlfriend and started behaving very strangely (according to her) when 'that funny shaped plane went over'. I explained the significance and she was duly impressed - another aviation convert!

16th Jun 2009, 08:29
Did they have a nice looking Czech gurl on it??? Dammit, missed that one!!

No, they didn't; they had three! ISTR that they also had an aeroplane there too, but I may have been mistaken.

16th Jun 2009, 09:36
Well, I visited the Czech aerowork stand on Friday and got a skinney bloke with a clammy handshake and bad breath; there's really no justice in the world.

All in all, an interesting show and great to see the Tecnam 2006 in the flesh - albeit looking a little sad resting on it's trestle....

16th Jun 2009, 10:10
I visited a Czech stand there (in an open tent) but definitely didn't see any girls there; just an English bloke who didn't know anything about anything. This was Friday.

Does anybody know anything about Air Touring?

16th Jun 2009, 12:54
I visited a Czech stand there (in an open tent) but definitely didn't see any girls there; just an English bloke who didn't know anything about anything. This was Friday.

It was the same Saturday. No Czech girls, and one fairly uninformed bloke. I knew more than him about the aircraft just from 30 minutes browsing on their site !!

16th Jun 2009, 13:08
MMMmm - the SportCruiser is very nice (so were the ladies).. Im still waiting for the finance information from Hitachi Capital so that I really know I can't justify it!

Got a very good deal on a Garmin 695 at the show, so came away very pleased & with a new toy to play with....