View Full Version : Wake Up Jaa And All Other Authorities

6th Jun 2009, 13:50
In all countries Qatar Airways promotes itself as the worlds 5 star airline, the glamour, SAFE and pedigree airline to fly with throughout the world. The amazing thing is that all these countries believe they are allowing a SAFE, competitive, modern and forward thinking airline fly over their towns and cities and land at there international airports.
Instead the public, governments and authorities have been fooled, misled or in the case of 2 of the above bribed.
The public is tricked into flying a 5 star airline that only really caters for the first and business class, which are not the majority. Whereas the authorities either turn a blind eye, are being paid off, or don’t know or care about the running of this airline.
FOR GODS SAKE WAKE UP AND AUDIT THIS AIRLINE INSIDE AND OUT, take no Indian B.S. and see how this company really works.
1) Its anti competitive, it will fly aircraft with no passengers anywhere, because the airline is pumped up with money from the state. In the usa and euro land airlines have to compete, and yet these same areas allow an anti competitive airline take business from there national airlines.
2) Flight Safety, where do you start on this one.
This airline would have you believe internally and externally that it is very safe, talk to any crewmember its and accident waiting to happen. How can an airline be safe when its crews fall asleep regularly whilst flying dangerous rosters.
e.g. a regular roster pattern on one of the fleets is to roster a crew to fly at 8 am and be off duty at 12.30ish pm and then fly again at 1 am 12 hrs later, either to a cat c airport or Indian night turnarounds etc. so you have a good nights sleep before your 8 am flight go home, now when do you feel tired enough to sleep again, how about 10 or 11 pm, ok but now you have to drive and report for your 1 am flight, oh dear sorry you now haveto fly to your dodgy airport or Indian all-nighter,not forgetting the overnight euro land flights, and be awake for the best part of 24-25 hrs. Would you put your family on this aircraft knowing this? This is legal, but is it safe, after all you will get a nice letter from the flight safety dept if you for got to do something minor, but ok the duty is legal. Even ULR crews don’t get treated like this, oh and what was our flight safety mag about, FATIGUE.
3)REST AND DAYS OFF. How would you like your 2 days off in Katmandu or some other great destination on a fleet in AAB Airways, would you feel rested, relaxed, at home in your surroundings. Or would you feel board, miss your family, your own belongings, want to go out and spend your time with friends etc. well 50 percent of your days off per month ( more if cabin crew ) could be spent away from your base, and then when you get back, wow you can now work another 7 days without a day off, and then you may only get 1 day off, then another 6-7 days of work. Feel FATIGUED again?
4) CRM this is good this one, as crm is a thing in AAB Air that is a gender first based thing. We are no longer allowed to have joint flight and cabin crew crm classes, in case we talk to each other, joint briefings, what I hear you say, what are they, well in AAB Air not a thing worth doing, I kid you not, cabin crew regularly do not know who flew them to there destination, until the crew get into the crew bus at the destination. This has to be very SAFE.
5) How SAFE, is it to fly from Doha to manila, day off there, fly back to Doha, to arrive in the morning, then say fly to London 12 hrs later. This is just an example, but could be an mix of the east west flights, and could apply to flight and cabin crew. I shall leave this one for you to think about. FATIGUE, SAFTEY.
6) Minor maybe, but I thought it would be quite good if all the crew could maybe swim if need be. Apparently not here, oh well.

There are many more things that could be added here, im sure, suffice to say, the aviation authorities that believe they are morally better than most in the world, (we know which ones). Should not allow the degraded and morally wrong ones, fly daily, over and into their major cities and airports.
All the above applies twice as bad to the cabin crew, so any emergency could be, well interesting. Our cabin crews are more worried about “ did I get the service right “, than flight safety. No joke, look at most cabin crew briefing boards, look where crm (if mentioned) and safety are listed in importance, food for thought.
I rest my case. :ugh::ugh::ugh:

6th Jun 2009, 14:29
Hear Hear!

Good post my friend!

Remember the Swiss cheese model with the holes lining up?

Lets see:



All Time Low morale


Punitive Culture

Absolute disrespect from higher echelons to lower and as a result of that, vice versa.

NO Experience (especially CCM but nowadays in the cockpit as well due to the high influx of new pilots)

Erosion of T/Cs at a weekly bases

That should be enough holes I would say, and there are plenty of holes I did not think of.

Personally I am afraid it is too late already, and that change only will happen in a worst case scenario...I just hope the postholders know there legal responsibilities in that case!

6th Jun 2009, 14:43
The way I look at it is that there is light on the horizon, and the more they p*ss us off now, the more people will leave. True the current financial crisis has hit hard, but there is already talk of green shoots of recovery. Will QR have enough pilots? I believe not, and the more the true conditions are advertised here the better.

This year we nearly had aircraft on the ground without pilots, if it hadn't been for the depression and the Boeing strike it would have happened. So many people are waiting patiently for the right moment, then do you think they are leave politely? I don't think so, again I think there will be lots of aircraft stuck down route because the pilot/s have jumped sheep. ;)

People will remember the insults and the degradation suffered, and act accordingly.

QR management; you have be warned.

6th Jun 2009, 15:00
i agree with both of you.

but one i dont think the post holders here have the slightest clue regarding there responsibilities, if they did, well things that happen here simply would not. going to court to explain your actions, is something these guys just dont have a clue about.

yep jumping ship will be happening alot more, if nothing else, out of spight, for all the mistreatment dealt out by all the departments.
mr ABA should also look very carefully where he stands should a major investigation take place after an event happening. it will be plain to see that all below are carrying out his instructions. he deserves to be brought to the hague WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, for how long will the authorities put up with this person, who has no clue how to mange personnel let alone run an airline.

6th Jun 2009, 15:34
"I don't think so, again I think there will be lots of aircraft stuck down route because the pilot/s have jumped sheep. "

NoJoke, I didn't realize there were THAT many OZ/NZ flight deck crew there!!!

"WHAT????? No kissing????"

6th Jun 2009, 15:44
Well, this is long overdue. Some captains have to fly 18 months without any leave. Some have exceeded the maximum hours in a 12 month period. Most pilots are just plain fatigued. The whole Qatar/Qatar Airways/Doha situation is getting totally out of hand. How long the airline will be able to avoid an incident/accident remains to be seen. It is not a question of "if", but "when". But I suppose it is shrugged off by management with the answer "enshala", or "God willing". A typical fatalistic outlook that will never change.

6th Jun 2009, 16:38
Kissing??? The new dress code doesn't even allow guys to have their shirts unbuttoned! Lots of NZ:oh: not so many OZ now they have headed home, more the shame.

Its going to be a long hot summer. :zzz:

6th Jun 2009, 18:24
If an accident does happen because of the baker man aka ABA, i think he will be finished. He will royally bend over.
He is one sick person.

6th Jun 2009, 18:30
Oh, an the QCAA (qatar civil aviation authority) will never wake up. It's actually run by the baker man!
The director there is just his slave. :ugh:

7th Jun 2009, 03:36
Sorry guys, the reality is that if there is a accident, the cockpit crew will be blamed, the management would go to the FAA or which ever authority that is asking questions and say the we fired the only bad eggs at the airline and we are safe.

The investigation would be closed and it would be back to business as usual.

Remember the golden rule "He who has the gold makes the rules".

7th Jun 2009, 04:55
What you say is correct to a certain extent, but the FAA and the CAA etc. are not totally stupid. They know about the 'easy way out'. Blame the (normally) dead crew. Scratch the surface only slightly and the fear and blame culture will rear its ugly head.

7th Jun 2009, 08:27
of corse what makes this worse for the post holders and the flight safety department in particular, is the fact that they dont care, wont do anything about it, and could theoretically face long prison sentences for manslaughter if an investigation could prove there guilt, in not stopping a potential crash, air investigators dont take an airlines word and its managers for granted, they know full well about cover ups, and do check rosters as far back as a year to see trends, as well as training and operating culture. if there is a crash or a fatality in the west, beware if you are in a position which could have made a difference in changing the out come of the accident, because you will appear in court. remember if you overfly or land or crash internationally they will claim investigation right under there legal system. and not all will take gold and run, especially if you have killed nationals of that land, look at lockabie, they didn't know for a long time it was a bomb, but they chased the people down. just an example. the gulf culture of slave labour does not have a place in aviation, it must stop before a gcc carrier has a serious prang in the west, and is then investigated far more fully than a gcc cover up job, to save face.

safe flying:ugh:

8th Jun 2009, 05:38
So far we managed to bribe:


Spanish CAA



Many others for sure....

So what makes you think they will not be ready to throw HUUUUUGE amounts of cash whenever they need to in case something happens?

As crew we can only protect us by writing a report WHENEVER it is necessary, and in case it is serious personally make sure the CAA receives a copy!

8th Jun 2009, 08:33
The bottom line is that, if GOD forbid and one of us does go to a US, UK or Australian destination and have an accident, the burden will fall almost solely on the crews shoulders or if it was the fault of maintenance it will be on there shoulders as well, as far as the the mechanic who worked on the aircraft and the engineer who signed it off.

The management of anyone of our airlines would say that you, THE ROGUE PILOT lack of procedure adherance are the sole cause of the accident. Even if the investigation says that a contributing factor may have been pilot fatigue, management would refer to our manual and say that when we signed into work we confirmed that,

1. We are in a good physical and mental condition, so that the tiredness that will acumulate will not affect the safety of the flight.

2. Flight duty is prohibited when a crew members capacity for work is reduced for various reason's, being sick, being tired, mental stress, injury, alcohol drugs etc.

So at the end of the investigation the blame will rest on the crew, the FAA may say that a contributing factor was the company involved and make a safety recommendation to the GCAA for better oversight, there will be a sacrificial lamb in management at EY,EK or QR, then its back to business as usual.

A few years ago Korean had a number of accidents, no doubt company politics and culture was a contributing factor, I do not know but did any management get convicted of wrong doing in any of those accidents?

icarus sun
8th Jun 2009, 13:39
Sorry old chap bribery of the UKCAA is just not done. In UK it is much more subtle.
When you retire or go on long leave you get a senior job in the company that you have been overseeing, or as a consultant at high pay all tax free. Sometimes family members are also employed at high salaries.:}