View Full Version : KUL 777 Touch and Go

4th Jun 2009, 20:27
They showed us the ASR at the SEP together with the other cases, but for the rest no info. Are the drivers still with us? Boys in all the other cases shown are gone.
Did the a/c spend 19 seconds on the ground :eek:

5th Jun 2009, 06:09
Yes they are still with us after receiving remedial training :ok:

6th Jun 2009, 07:27
Now I am just a simple line guy, but wouldn't landing and sorting it out the landing clearance (or lack there-of in this case) with the tower involve a heck of a lot less risk to the passengers than doing a "touch and go" !?


7th Jun 2009, 12:55
The least amount of risk would be a go-around. Landing or doing a touch and go without a landing clearance is not the brightest idea.

Chuck Y
7th Jun 2009, 13:11
Which airline guys?

14th Jun 2009, 21:53
Eeeeeek-Ay I believe :oh:

15th Jun 2009, 11:54
Sorry Bluesky, should clarify, I agree with your comment, however I understand the guys were already on the ground when the realization of no landing clearance set in and decided to go around or rather take off again.

Then again with the "rumour mill" we have in this company who actually knows other than the FS guys.

Take care


15th Jun 2009, 12:57
Dooner, I heard that the Captain ordered a go around when he relised no landing clearance had been obtained and in sufficent time to do so without touching down. CM2 Hit the TOGA levers then froze with his hand holding the levers closed hence the touch down and thus tea and biscuits for the crew. Good reason for both crew to follow the autothrottles through to the commanded position!

15th Jun 2009, 16:42
I find it hard to believe someone touched down and then decided to do a touch and go because there was no landing clearance. Am I misreading this thread?

I can certainly understand performing a go around and contacting the runway for the same reason, but to actually be on the ground and then decide to takeoff again, seems unreasonable (unless they saw another aircraft 2000metres down the runway.)

Does anyone know the true details?