View Full Version : Integrated ATPL and ATPL Theory Validity

4th Jun 2009, 13:56
Hey Guys,
I am in really bad trouble and hope anyone here can help me. Any kind of help is more than appreciated! :(
I started my integrated ATPL class in winter 2006 and yes, I have to admit, picked the wrong school. Now we have summer 2009 and I am still not done and do not even have a PPL licence. I am from Germany and my theory credit would lose its' validity in July, so all this blood and sweat would be for nothing. My head of training meanwhile stopped training and sent me home.
anyone any idea if I can switch to modular training, extend training, or if I can continue training in another JAR country besides Germany?
Please, please help me. Any kind of serious help is so appreciated!
Thanks guys. Nancy

4th Jun 2009, 15:09
Nancy - are you being serious -almost three years on an integrated course and you dont have a PPL?

Why did your head of training send you home, are you sure it is an integrated course and have you passed all 14 exams?

Try to supply some more detail and you have a better chance of getting the answers you need.

4th Jun 2009, 15:38
More importantly which school did you go to so we can stay the hell away from it.

4th Jun 2009, 15:59
To "lose credit" in July 2009 would suggest you passed your last of the 14 exams in July of 2006 - but you didn't even start training until Winter 2006...so how come?

I know it's colder in Europe, but winter in July?

5th Jun 2009, 18:33
Like I said, yes it is an integrated course and meanwhile I know of some other guys having the same problem. I passed all 14 ATPL theory subjects and date of issue of all subjects as passed was in May 2009. I was told that theory credit loses its' validity in Germany when the three years of training are over (training starts the day you sign in) are over no matter when you took the exam.
@ Keygrip: Do you have any additional information you could provide about what you think or how you think this is handled in other JAR countries? I am trying to find out right now if I could go to another JAR country where I might finish. Thinking about repeating all this **** again is a nightmare.
Thanks for your help.

5th Jun 2009, 18:53
I was told that theory credit loses its' validity in Germany when the three years of training are over (training starts the day you sign in) are over no matter when you took the exam.

Have you actually read the documents regarding theory credit or you always rely on what somebody tells you?It doesn't sound right to me....It should start from first written exam.But German rules might be different from the rest of JAA countries.
So it took you three years to finally pass all of the theory subjects?When did you start writing if it's not a secret? People studying 5 hours per week and having full time job,wife and three kids usually do it faster...What took you so long?

Dick Whittingham
5th Jun 2009, 19:42
Nancy, you need to get best advice. The CAA in England publishes all the ATPL regulations on line - Google "CAA LASORS". As JAA States both us and Germany should have the same regulations. If the German authorities publish a similar document then get it and read it.

Good luck


5th Jun 2009, 23:46

Nancy - are you being serious -almost three years on an integrated course and you dont have a PPL?

yes, that would be correct. Integrated courses do not give you a PPL. Their first and only licence is a CPL, after sitting the relevant theory and about 150hrs (or was it 180?) of flying under instruction.

As for the original question, what Mr. Whittingham says, either read the relevant German legislation (it might not be a perfect transposition of JAR-FCL) or phone the German CAA and ask them for advice as concerns you particular situation.