View Full Version : Ive been outta the cockpit for awhile, looking for guidance on hireability

2nd Jun 2009, 02:38
I left (furloughed) United Airlines 6 year and havent been in the cockpit since. I have a 757/767 type rating and plenty of good hours. Im wondering if I'd be wasting my time applying for an F/O job with any of the good Middle East airlines being that Ive been non-current for so long. BB

2nd Jun 2009, 03:30
Apply with Qatar Airways, they don't care if your current or not. They will make you sign a bond. If you need any help let me know. Good luck....

NZ X man
2nd Jun 2009, 08:43
If you shopped around you might find some descent deals on a recurrent, which would certainly help you out on those two ratings.

Good Luck