View Full Version : I failed the initial test...

28th May 2009, 15:55
I received an email today stating that I failed the initial test, and they didn't state in the email when can I reapply for the CPP. Does that mean I couldn't reapply again?

I've sent my reply to ask the same question, but just wanna check if you guys have any idea on this. Thanks.

Really upset now....

Thank you for taking the time to attend the selection tests for our Cadet Pilot Programme.
Having carefully reviewed your application and qualifications, we have found other candidates who more closely match our requirements. We are therefore unable to offer you a place on the programme.
May we take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in the Cadet Pilot Programme. We wish you all the best in your future career.
Yours sincerely
Emily Chan
Flight Crew Recruitment Specialist (Cadet Pilot)

29th May 2009, 06:16
I am sorry to hear that. I believe it's 10 months before you can resubmit the online application?

How far did you get into the interviews?

29th May 2009, 08:02
i believe the rejection email does not state when you can apply again. the rejection email i received two years ago is still in my email inbox, and it says exactly the same thing as yours.

i think the cooling off period is one year minimum.

never give up!:)

29th May 2009, 18:59
Thanks mate, I will not give up easily. I will spend the coming 10 months for better preparation of my 2nd attempt.

wskwong, it's ashamed of even couldn't pass the initial test. I think I was really too tense, so that I performed badly in the presentation and aptitude test. But I think I am okay in the reasoning test.

3rd Jun 2009, 06:57
CAn any body help me prepare for the initial test?

13th Jun 2009, 07:09
so your initial test is 1a? and it includes an interview, apptitude and reasoning test?

14th Jun 2009, 20:19
shoot, i will fail the iq test for sure...haha~!

i remembered once I was asked questions like 'how to get two sheeps and a wolf across a river' -kinda question at some other job.....