View Full Version : Airline Training / World Airline Recruitment

23rd May 2009, 12:41
Hi everyone,

I thought that I would put in a quick mention about a company called Airline Training and their sister company World Airline Recruitment that I have come into contact with recently. This is a New Zealand based company and they advertise that they have offices in Christchurch, Auckland, Australia and China. (That is if you can find their website.)

I have been a domestic and international flight attendant. For those of you who are new the to the industry please DO NOT waste your money on this company. The company Airline Training offers flight attendant courses with the idea that you pay hundreds of dollars to eventually land yourself a job in aviation which they do not guarantee.

Save your money and spend it on traveling to interviews. This is an incredibility disorgainised, unprofessional and poorly run company. They try to teach you interview techniques but as we all know the first test is the online application. You need to make it through this to get to the interview.

If you want to get into the industry there is plenty of FREE advice on the internet and pprune is a fantastic place to start...Good Luck

23rd May 2009, 23:20
totally Agree....!!!