View Full Version : Blackpool ATCA vacancy

14th May 2009, 15:43
Hi everyone, new member here I just wondered if anyone could give me some advice.

I have applied for the vacancy for an Air Traffic Control Assistant at Blackpool Airport. I don't have any experience of airport operations as I have worked in IT since finishing my A Levels so despite the intensive research I have been doing I do not have any first hand knowledge of ATC.

I was wondering if anyone could advise me on what sort of things I will need to look into in order to be prepared for the interview if I am invited to it. If anyone has applied to an ATCA position or has been involved in the recruitment for one and could give me some idea of what airports are looking for in Air Traffic Control Assistant applicants I would be extremely grateful.

14th May 2009, 17:01
done and done :)

14th May 2009, 19:09
The very first thing i would do is edit your first post and remove your Christian name. I would also hide your age from your profile

Well I wouldnt worry at all about that.
You've shown initiative by asking sensible questions on a forum where many experienced professional pilots and air traffic controllers read and reply to posts.
If the interview panel mention this esteemed site, just respond as above, you requested advice from the industry professionals and the many varied users of Blackpool and similar airports.

Why you want to work at Blackpool?:-
It's a busy regional airport with a wide variation of differing operations - offshore helicopters, charter aircraft of all types, sheduled services to .... (wherever they go to), Jet 2 bums to the sun, flying training, just everything that makes air traffic control interesting against working at a large airport like Heathrow or Gatwick.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time:? -
Do you want to be an ATC assistant all your life or progress to be an ATCO?, Give them the honest answer, you won't lose any points for it, any decent interviewer would give you credit for being clear about your career ambitions. This is an interview for an ATCA post, if they want trainee ATCOs they'll cross that bridge at a later date.
An ATCO makes a decision which you know is wrong, what do you do?-
Tell him, (in a respectful manner;)).
They tell you to get back in your box and know your place...
Take it up with the watch manager. (OK, BPL is a relatively small unit and it's an awkward situation but stick to your guns).

There's nothing to stop you arranging a visit to ATC before the interview, just ring up, explain the situation and ask if you can visit for half a day.
Again, it shows initiative which, as long as you behave, will go down well.

There are many scenarios, just be prepared for a hard time from the GMATS and predictability from HR, be polite and assertive without being a smart arse and carefully consider every question before you answer .

Good luck.

14th May 2009, 19:43
Thank you for the response goatface, and I will definately see if I they will let me come for a look around before interview if I make it that far!

One more question though, are they likely to ask me detailed technical questions about ATC procedures, technology etc? Are there any key things I need to research in depth?

14th May 2009, 20:03
Procedures I doubt, technology I suspect yes.
You should be aware that since things are constantly changing and technology companies are always seeking to get their particular piece of kit installed at regional airports because that will lead to orders at bigger places.
If you do get an opportunity to visit before the interview, make a point of asking about new or recent technology, or whatever may be pending.

I forgot to add, let the inetrview panel know that you've visited beforehand, even if some of them already know.

15th May 2009, 17:37
Thanks very much for the advice it's been really helpful :}

19th May 2009, 12:33
They will often ask a question based on a recent article in Flight Intl. Just to see if you have an interest in aviation. Gen up on altimeter questions, definitions of QFE, QNH, SAS etc.

21st May 2009, 11:13
What is SAS?

Out Of Trim
21st May 2009, 11:25
Standard Altimeter Setting - 1013.2 mb or 29.92 in ~ used by aircraft flying Flight Levels.

21st May 2009, 22:40
1013.25 MB is also referred to as the Standard Pressure Setting.

27th May 2009, 09:20
Hi all,

Can anyone tell me please, where do ATC jobs usually get advertised?

Thanks. :ok:

27th May 2009, 11:46
Does anyone know if this vacancy is still available?
I cant see any mention of it on the blackpool airport careers website, however I did find a couple of criteria documents online in relations to the post with a today date of 06/05/2009.

I've tried contacting HR but nobody answers nor replies to any voicemail left.

27th May 2009, 12:14
actually n/m. found the closing date being 15/05/2009. :ugh:
I did send a cv before that date to the SATCO, hopefully she forwarded it on.

echo three
31st May 2009, 16:26
I've applied for this position too, I have aviation knowledge from studying aviation technology at university, but lack experience in the industry. Anybody know what the 'comprehension test' and the 'general ability' test will involve?

31st May 2009, 20:03
Comprehension and general ability -what is now known as psychometric testing I think.

echo three
1st Jun 2009, 12:30
that was my assumption. Does anybody have any more advice regarding what to expect from such interviews looking for the ideal ATC assistant? Advice from members currently or recently operating as an ATC assistant would be appreciated :)

1st Jun 2009, 14:36

Like Cloudrider1 I am also wondering where the position has been advertised. I thought I was checking everywhere I should, Flight International online and the airport websites, mind you saying that I haven't looked for the past couple of weeks because I have been away.

Could anyone tell me if there is anywhere else I should be looking.

Many thanks

1st Jun 2009, 19:30
Why advertise when you don't need to?
Blackpool, like many regional airports, will always have a filing cabinet full of applicants for ATSA posts.
Initially they'll probably trawl internally within the airport company or the airport itself and sift through the response along with previous external applicants.
Ineviatebly they'll have a number of good quality candidates from that process, anyone who professes to be interested in such a position but can't be arsed to show the initiative to apply specualtively can't be considered to be a genuine candidate.

2nd Jun 2009, 08:57
If you're implying that I can't be arsed then I'd like to say that there are several airports that have my CV on file.

However, when the first post states 'I have applied for the vacancy....' I naturally assumed it was an advertised position.

echo three
2nd Jun 2009, 10:09
It was advertised directly through the Blackpool Airport website under the recruitment section, although the details were quite brief, no details were given on average weekly working hours, salary or duration of the 'temporary' position.

2nd Jun 2009, 10:20
So hands up all those who have got an interview then

echo three
14th Jun 2009, 19:57
Has anybody who had the interview heard anything back from Blackpool?