View Full Version : Easyjet Switzerland???

13th May 2009, 18:54
I am wondering about what a typical life is like at EJ switzerland.
Block hours a month, days off per month, upgrade time (approx. time line, I know it is quite difficult to say with this economic downturn). Is the company still making money or is it having trouble? etc......

Any and all information would be appreciated.

Extra Crispy Chicken

25th May 2009, 15:17
Just a bit of info for you. Block time currently 70-80ish hrs a month. Rostering, well they have just implemented a new 'agreement' which means you can be scheduled for 2 blocks of 2 days off per month, a maximum of 18 of these two day blocks can be allocated in any year. For example a 5-2-4-2-5 is possible. A guaranteed block of 4 consecutive days will be granted in every month. A fixed rosta similar to the UK would obviously be welcomed , as it stands you are informed of your monthly duties on the 20th day of the preceding month. It makes planning rather difficult!

Upgrading time..another contentious issue. They have just implemented a change in upgrade policy from FO to SFO from 1500 hrs (still the case in the UK) to 3000 factored hrs in Switzerland. Meaning a two year or more delay in many cases to some pilots just short of 1500 hrs. These changes were all implemented by management disregarding the current terms and conditions, and despite obvious opposition from the Pilots.

On a plus side your are paid in Swiss Francs, which at the moment is very strong against the UK pound, how long that will last is anyones guess.

25th May 2009, 19:39
Concerning the upgrade from FO to SFO isn-t there also a new rule stating that you must have 1000 + hours experience on the Airbus ?
Which would mean that even with 5000 hours experience and no A319 family type rating, you-re an JFO as a new joiner for +- 2 years anyways....

26th May 2009, 08:52

That is correct! A minimum of 1000 hours on Airbus 320 series before you upgrade to SFO.

29th May 2009, 11:00
Is there a Geneva base?

Also, is recruitment done through the main easyjet website?

29th May 2009, 11:45
Yes, GVA is a base as well as BSL, they are our Swiss base.
For the recruitment, you shall use easyJet website, they should re-open the application access to allow pilots to apply for Switzerland again.



30th May 2009, 09:08
Thanks Fab.:ok:

13th Jul 2009, 16:40
Hi there,:)

went through the selection process last August 2008.
Holding number 72 but informed that my staying in the holding will now have an expiry date (2 years).
Contacted by EZY for a proposal, in EZY Swisse, due over the next 6 months, but no info so far regarding duration and type of contract.

I didn't understand in your expose, if the 4 days off are guaranteed each month. May a see a typical monthly roster?

And where may I have info on EZY Swisse contract, as on the web site there are no info concerning wages and all that stuff.

Is it also true that once based in Switzerland we can always apply for relocation in all the others EZY bases? If yes, within how long since hired?
Thanks a lot to everyone.


2nd Aug 2009, 08:26
Anyone has any idea about how many f/o will easy swiss need in the next few months (if any) and who and when they will call?

2nd Aug 2009, 12:35

would appreciate if any insider could provide me with the monthly salary as SFO and FO when joining Easy Swiss, 'cause they have asked me a few weeks ago if I am still interested to move to Swiss and I said yes.
With my experience on A320 family (over 2200hrs) can I expect to work as SFO or FO?

Thank you in advance:ok:


13th Aug 2009, 05:44
Hi, can someone how went to an easy selection lately give us an update on what to expect there?

Would be great, many thx


15th Jul 2010, 13:10
I've got an offer from easyJet Switzerland, how is the contract there and which is the difference between the 2 companies? How much is the salary for an SFO?


15th Jul 2010, 15:36
Are u Italian?

31st Jul 2010, 22:20
Is it also true that once based in Switzerland we can always apply for relocation in all the others EZY bases? If yes, within how long since hired?
Thanks a lot to everyone.

If you are thinking of easily moving to EZY UK after joining EZS then think again.

EZS and EZY UK are different companies.

If you decide to leave EZS, then you will have to undergo full EZY UK selection (when they are recruiting again in the future.)

However, I used to work for EZS (BSL and GVA) and really enjoyed my time there.

1st Aug 2010, 10:51
Sorry, but procedures have not changed.

I personally know a skipper who is top of a transfer list out of a swiss base and into a UK base.

He has been bypassed twice in the past 3 months - reason given? No right of transfer from EZYswiss to EZYUK, as they are different companies and different AOC's he would be classed as a DEC. They are allowed to log there names as an expression of interest only on our waiting lists. EZYswiss comes to EZY UK when they need FO's and we have a supply for them, for a UK skipper to join EZY swiss he would have to join in the RHS and try to get upgraded over there.

All this may change if waiting lists were empty and we had a shortage of pilots - not about to happen anytime soon with a bursting CPI list and constant supply of cadets to fill the RHS I'm afraid.

2nd Aug 2010, 12:13
They have a requirement for FO's in EZY swiss.

They say you can transfer no problem as they have a requirement.

When they no longer have a requirement and you want to transfer, guess what, procedures will have changed............

Procedures have not changed, procedures are to make the rules fit what they want when they want, to trust them on anything else is risky.

If you go to swiss as an FO, fine, but you better be sure about where you want to be a skipper and where you want to enter the upgrade process as that is not transferable and never will be as long as the seperate AOC and unions exist.

Have you ever looked up the waiting lists for BSL or GVA on the intranet? They are not there.

2nd Aug 2010, 19:50
That was meant to be a friendly warning from someone who I can assure you is very much in the know and very closely placed to this subject both now and in the past.

By your own admission " Captains may be a different case". I assume one day you may grow up and want to become a Captain. In the past commands have been available in Topswizz to UK SFOs being upgraded as dictated by the needs at the time. If this were to happen now ther would by an outcry from the swiss union and swiss FOs all waiting for upgrades.

The link between UKEZY and SWISSEZY is like a drawbridge that the company can pull up and down as and when they please as there is no formal industrial agreements on anything as they are two seperate entities that can help each other out from their own resources when it suits them.

I have actually seen the swiss offers and have read much documentation on them and there is an emphaisis on haveing a desire/interest in working in Switzerland if you choose to go there - I cannot help you read between the lines much more than that if you cannot see it for yourself, all the precedents on this were set long ago.

Bottom line no industrial agreements between topswiss and EZY, means they can do what they like, as long as you understand that, enjoy the move.

PS might want to ask yourself why EZY hasn't mentioned any of this to you but a colleague who "knows nothing" with no invested interest in wether you move to Switzerland or not has. Carry on biting the hand that really feeds you, it will serve you well.

Thad Jarvis
2nd Aug 2010, 22:55
from what I hear, ezydriver is correct. The EPG has elected to halt any transfer from Swiss to UK for command as it isn't a 2 way street and until it becomes so then the various unions will resist any further transfer. Not totally sure about rhs to rhs but transfer for promotion is definately canned.

The flying bob
5th Aug 2010, 20:25
Can anyone here answer the question : How much is the starting salary for an FO?
As you need to pay for the TR, I wondered how much an FO get the first year.

El Sche
6th Aug 2010, 05:52
Can anyone here answer the question : How much is the starting salary for an FO?
As you need to pay for the TR, I wondered how much an FO get the first year.

To answer your question, here are the figures:

FO (1st 6 months of employment) : 63996.- CHF
FO (afterwards) : 79848.- CHF
SFO (1st 3 months of employment) : 78312.- CHF
SFO (Afterwards) : 97740.- CHF

Hope this will help!

The flying bob
7th Aug 2010, 16:07
Thanks a lot for that, it's very helpfull. Seems very good

10th Aug 2010, 15:40
Isn't easyJet Swiss a franchise operation that is due for renewal or expiry in a couple of years.....

The flying bob
18th Sep 2010, 08:46
Hi guys,

I have been invited for some selection soon and wondered if someone here could give me some information about the day.. Especially the technical test, Multiple choice?open questions? How many questions? Which subjects...?

Thanks for that...

18th Sep 2010, 15:47

I am taking the selection as well and I would love some info too... Any idea on what to expect??
Thanks in adance.

18th Sep 2010, 17:00
One question 4 Bambe and Bob
Which kind of experience u have and how u apply?

thank you

19th Sep 2010, 14:24
Bambe / Flying Bob - where did you apply for EZY Switzerland? Cant find it anywhere....or if anyone else could help out??.....

The flying bob
19th Sep 2010, 18:06
Just been told they were recruiting then sent the package to their HQ in Geneva. Someone called me back about a week later to know more about me and my reasons for applying.
Anyone for some info????

flying passion
27th Dec 2010, 07:57
Hi everybody,
I would like to know if someone have any info concerning the selection for Easyjet Switzerland. I know ther is a Technical test, group exercice and an interview but no idea what to expect.
If it's positif then there is a sim check. But I have no info neither...
I know there is a book to prepare for the easyjet UK selection. Do you thing it's a good idea to use it as well for the Switzerland selection?
Any info on what we can expect will be really appreciate.
Thanks in advance

9th Jan 2011, 05:36
Hi there!!

As Easyjet has opening his door to new pilots, I would like to know few things that will help to decide to apply or not. Hope you can help me.

Here are the questions.

1. Typical roster

2. Salary net per month (I have seen that there are some numbers in a post before but I donīt know if is it gross or net). Taxes in Switzerland.

3. Average time for a command

4. Chances to move afterwards to another EZY base (CDG, MXP, LIS, MAD, ...)

5. Leave days per year

6. Work environment

7. Extra info to consider?

I think that is all for the moment. I hope you can help me.

Have all a great journey.

flaps 15% :cool:


9th Jan 2011, 07:54
Hello everyone,

I'm also interested in the above info requested by nopoal and would very much appreciate if someone could share his/her knowledge on the matter.

Enjoy a happy Sunday!

9th Jan 2011, 12:56
To nopoal and rock&go:

typical montly roster: 1x4 consecutive days off, 1 or 2 x 2 consecutive days off, 1 or 2 x 3 consecutive days off. No single days off, around 3-4 standby days. One can expect to fly about 16-17 days a month.

The salary figures given by el Sche are before tax. Taxes in Switzerland vary a lot from the Canton and village you're living. In general one can say they are probably among the lowest in Europe. Also depend on your family status, double income, etc. I think you can be anywhere in a range of 10 to 25%.

Average time to command 3-4 years the last 5-6 years. In the future... who knows... depending on expansion.

Leave days per year: 5 weeks.

Change of base: why would you do that?

Moral: in GVA is not at the highest level. BSL is good.

9th Jan 2011, 13:50
Has anyone managed to apply? Do you have to be type rated or not?

Anyone knows email for the recruitment?



9th Jan 2011, 13:50
And do not forget the following deductions:

5.05% deduction for the official pension fund (AHV)
2.5-25% depending on age to raise your own pension fund (required by law!)
1% jobless insurance
and health insurance which you have to pay for your own beginning from CHF 180.- per person/month (remember, you and your wife is already two...)

P.S. fo a single person taxes might be around 20% (BSL) and 22% (GVA)
You can also calculate individually here: Tax calculator| Finance | homegate.ch (http://www.homegate.ch/finance/calculators/tax-calculator)

9th Jan 2011, 14:41
TOGA 10,
Thank you for your detailed figures about days off and leave.
May I ask you what is your final take home pay after all the taxes and compulsory deductions?
What would it be as Captain?

Thanks a lot for anyone's reply.

9th Jan 2011, 22:09
TOGA 10 & Luftibus,

Many thanks for your answers gentelmen.

Last one, I have applied for assessment for the initial flexicrew contract, and after being successful on the application I am now waiting for the release of the next assessment dates. Do you guys know if it's incompatible, or not well regarded, to apply to both schemes?

Anticipated thanks for the replies.


11th Jan 2011, 15:39
Hi Bubair,

montly take home for captains (salary + sector pay) is about 14000 chf. If you're a swiss citizen or resident you declare your income once a year and taxed according your personal situtation (place you live, marital status, children,...). If you live across the border or you are a temporary working permit holder you're taxed "ā la source", which means your tax is deducted from your salary automaticaly each month. I think it's around 20%. Senior first officer take home money is 8500 chf (less 20% if taxed ā la source).

Hi Rock&Go,

go for easy switzerland option if you can. I flew recently with few ex flexicrew guys. Didn't hear a lot of good things...

Good luck to all:ok:

11th Jan 2011, 19:40
I had some problems with their site


I have 2000 hrs 737 so it seems I fulfil bullet point 2 and 3, yet I got this as a reply from them;

Please note that to apply for the role of First Officer for our Swiss base, it is a requirement to be type rated on the Airbus A320 and possess a minimum of 300 flying hours on type in the last 24 months.
If you are unable to meet this criteria then unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum requirement for the role and therefore you do not need to contact us again unless your situation changes and you are able to meet this criteria in the future.

I replied, stating that's not what their/your website says, and waiting for a reply to that!

Something isn't right, is it me?


11th Jan 2011, 20:07
How about bullet point 1, Airbus 320 family type rating, and 300 hours on type in the last 24 months?

11th Jan 2011, 20:13
What about it?

I don't comply with 1- seeing as though I'm 737 rated, however that still complies with 2 and 3 does it not? It says only ONE of the three need be met!

11th Jan 2011, 21:54

You are right the homepage says ONE of the reqs must be met.

I filled out the online app! At a certain point they ask if you are rated on airbus with more than 300 on type. I answered with no and the system kicked me out!?

I also meet two reqs except the airbus type.

It is sad so many companies hiring and almost everyone requires an airbus rating. Can someone tell me where all the bus rated people should come from. Looks like the airlines are not desperate in finding pilots? :(

Regards and happy landings

12th Jan 2011, 21:57
Does anybody know if this is a permanent contract in switzerland?

El Sche
12th Jan 2011, 22:10

it's only permanent contract, no flexicrew!!!

14th Jan 2011, 16:16

you should get confirmation instantly.

Check your spam folder.


flying passion
16th Jan 2011, 19:11
Hi everybody,
I have been call for the easyJet Switzerland selection. Does anyone have any info concerning the technical test, the group exercice, the interview and finally the sim check.
Any info will be highly appreciate.

16th Jan 2011, 19:59
Flying passion what kind of experience do you have? When did you hear from them? and when is the selection scheduled?

Appreciate if you could provide these info! :ok:

17th Jan 2011, 11:50
To all those who recently applied for DEP switzerland through the easyjet career website: did you receive any email confirming they received the application? How long after sending the application? thankshttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/smile.gif@orientexpress, any news from you?
I submitted my application more than 24hrs ago, and still no confimation.....

17th Jan 2011, 20:58
flying passion i have a few questions for you. when did you submit your application? when is the selection date? are you from Switzerland?

17th Jan 2011, 21:03
Coming back to my point a few posts ago re applying to EJ swiss, I got this reply from them earlier today;

Thank you for your email; we were aware that this was an issue with the website and have been working closely with our system administrator to solve the problem. The wording on the website application is now correct and I can confirm that it is a minimum requirement for applicants to be type rated on the Airbus A320 and possess a minimum of 300 flying hours on type in the last 24 months.

We apologise for the confusion and any inconvenience this may have caused.

Kind regards,
Flight Crew Recruitment

Their website has now been fixed
Pilot Careers - Careers in the Air - easyJet Careers (http://www.easyjetcareers.com/careers-in-the-air/pilot-careers/current-opportunties.aspx)

26th Jan 2011, 09:32
Any news regarding Easy Swiss?

I filled out my application and never got a confirmation email but a message on their website saying "your application has been submitted". Now it has been deleted after 14 days and now, trying to fill out again the application is giving me a bug error, anybody with the same problems? What a joke...

Thanks for any info you can provide, best regards!

2nd Feb 2011, 19:55
Does anybody have any news about swiss selection?have they called anyone yet?

6th Feb 2011, 06:53
No news from my side either.....

10th Feb 2011, 19:24
A few pages in and I'm confronted by this: "Do you have the right to live and work in Switzerland without any restrictions or sponsorship?"

Eh? I thought you just needed an EU passport to apply. Anyone know if they're strict about this?

10th Feb 2011, 19:29
If you've got an EU passport then it's simply a paperwork exercise to get a work permit for Geneva.

If you're based in Basel then you only need a permit if you want to live in Switzerland, but again it's just a quick paperwork exercise.

10th Feb 2011, 20:02
Thanks jb, application going in...

6th Mar 2011, 05:44
Hi there!!

Any news about the recruitment in EZY? The advertisement still on the web for EZY Swiss. Does someone got a call for the assessment?

6th Mar 2011, 15:26
No news from my side.

8th Mar 2011, 23:38
Any info about:

When are they going to close the aplication window?

Why aren't they using CTC for the recruitment?

How many people do they need?


Are they planning to grow?

How much?

I've sent my resume to many airlines, and I've received an answer from all of them (positive or negative) except from easyjet. :{

If anyone can help me to make my waiting a bit more easy, my nails will be grateful to him! :}

Thanks in advance!

9th Mar 2011, 12:37
When are they going to close the aplication window?

As soon as they meet the requirements.

Why aren't they using CTC for the recruitment?

It's a self-run recruitment. Unlike easyJet UK, the swiss are not committed to hire through ctc or Parc => better if you know someone in the management team...

How many people do they need?

Not sure. A new aircraft is arriving soon, and quite a few FO's are leaving to BA. I'd say around 15.

Are they planning to grow?

Geneva is approaching its maximum capacity in terms of a/c based there, but BSL is still growing. And Zurich is still an option that is being considered.

good luck.

9th Mar 2011, 14:12
Thank you very much! :D

I had been looking for information all around the internet and there was nothing about this...

Narrow Runway
25th Mar 2011, 16:57
Dear all,

Does anybody have any information on:

Pay and benefits for DEP in easyJet Switzerland? And is there any resource on the Internet that may give guidance on the interview/selection day process?

5th Apr 2011, 21:26
All still very quiet on this, has anybody been called for interview yet? Anyone on the inside know what is happening?

13th Apr 2011, 08:37
one thing you guys should know is that joining EZS will put you in a golden jail as there is no possible transfer to EZY mainline.

FYI, most of the british FO's want to leave due to incredible lack of consideration by management. Everybody is complaining about the hilarious duty times (standbys from 02:15 loc, more than 100 block hours rostered in 30 days, etc...). :{

The African Dude
14th Apr 2011, 17:56
Is time to command for a FO/SFO broadly comparable to eJ(UK), and is there a significant difference in the lifestyle between BSL & GVA?

Zippy Monster
14th Apr 2011, 18:38
Duty/block hours are a bit lower in BSL, the operation seems more intense in GVA. The gap is starting to narrow a little as BSL expands.

Time to command is perhaps slightly shorter at the moment, due to the fact the fleet has increased by 50% in two years, but broadly it's the same. Obviously the lists are self-contained and entirely separate from the rest of easyJet.

The African Dude
14th Apr 2011, 18:49
Thanks ZM. It will be interesting to see if things continue to expand like this for the next 5 years.

22nd Jul 2011, 21:16
Are they still recruiting FOs?


23rd Jul 2011, 08:02
Would anybody have an opinion as to whether they are going to remove the Airbus type rating restriction at anytime soon?

I guess it's not going to happen - but it doesn't stop me hoping!

23rd Jul 2011, 18:11
Highly unlikely...:ugh:

26th Jul 2011, 10:53
They are still advertising for FOs on their website;
Are they still hiring or no more seats avail.


29th Jul 2011, 08:36
ask your dady for t/r and XXXX hours of line training, and PAY TO WORK until the airline kick you out for the next idiot who believe he will get a paid job!

7th Jun 2012, 18:19
Could anyone tell me if people at Easy Swiss are permanent or are they contractors?


Full Left Rudder
7th Jun 2012, 21:18
All permanent, bar a few random anomalies.

7th Jun 2012, 21:27
Thank you. I had been hoping to track down a contractor living in the UK and employed by a Swiss airline for some advice, guess I'll have to keep looking.

25th Aug 2012, 10:04
Do you if they are still hiring any direct entry F/O without Airbus type rating ?

Full Left Rudder
26th Aug 2012, 15:55
Not sure of current status, but there are strong rumours of the need for lots of FOs this year. So watch this space.

29th Aug 2012, 10:53
Hi all,
Recruitment for Geneva and Basel bases (and Lisbon) is now opened for current flexicrew pool F/O's for start dates in December 2012.

I'm currently UK based and considering both swiss bases and would be gratefull for some updated information on

1. Typical roster
2. Net salary F/O & SFO
3. Working environment and differences between the two bases.

Many thanks

Full Left Rudder
29th Aug 2012, 16:09
FMCDU check your PMs :)

Pailot - maybe but I don't have any solid facts on current recruitment entry requirements. EZS has a good track record of taking from other airlines, corporate and military (as well as cadets).

29th Aug 2012, 16:28
easySwiss is a good place to work, with good perks good salaries, FO's make a UK capt salary but bear in mind that life is Switzerland is expensive. So let's say that you make good money depending on where you decide to settle down. Expect about 7500.-CHF take home (after all taxes, incl. income tax)

Random roster, there are talks going on about a fixed roster, but it takes time to be sorted out. You could end up with a block of 2 days off in month max and a block of 4 days off min. FTL's aren't as restrictive as in the UK, so you fly more, especially on early shifts.
No busy/quiet season for GVA, the only 'cool' month in the year is November. You do fly a hell of a lot all year round. Different in BSL, but it tends to change, used to be quieter.

About the ppl, in BSL there are a lot of swiss german guys or german speaking guys, but they have a very good english. in GVA, being in the french speaking part of Switzerland, lots of french speaking guys.

If you hope going back to the UK/rest of Europe in the future, don't go to EZS, you'll NEVER be allowed to transfer back to easy UK (nobody has been allowed a transfer in the last 10 years). So many ppl got stuck down there and had to resign to go back to the UK.

Arte Et Marte
29th Aug 2012, 17:22
Got to agree with Colibris; good place to work but you do earn your money.... Lots of long 4 sector days or 2 sector sorties to the Red Sea and back.

The people are good, and a real cosmopolitan bunch with a fair few non Swiss guys coming through the command process even when I left just over a year ago. Lots of international cabin crew too which makes for a fun day out.

Don't get too hung up on the money if moving from the UK; the contract is not necessarily that special, the headline figures are all down to the Swiss Franc being rather strong against the Pound and Euro. That said, I can't see the exchange rate returning to its pre crunch levels any time soon, and you can mitigate the cost of living and boost your effective net income by living as a "frontalier" in France. Again, I'm out of touch with this as I understand Monsieur Hollande has some innovative taxation ideas for frontaliers, but whether these come to pass I couldn't say.

Reference transferring back to the UK.....never going to happen, whatever management might say. This is definitely not a back door in to a permanent EZY contract in the UK.

Bottom line.....it's a permanent contract with a solid solvent airline paying good money; it's got to be better than Flexicrew (or LIS for that matter).

And if you like mountain activities and cheese.......

Full Left Rudder
29th Aug 2012, 18:51
It looks very likely that a EZS-EZY transfer will go through fairly shortly. Hopefully that will set a precedent for the future.

However, it is still unwise to move to EZS as a way onto a permanent contract at EZY. There are no guarantees with transfers at the moment.

With regard to Mr Hollande. He wants to tax frontaliers 8% of net income (minus roughly 9000 euros) to pay for health insurance. This change is due in April 2014. This is being fought hard by the frontalier organisation, with the main hope being that it would constitute a breach of European law. Only time will tell. If it does come in, it will still be cheaper to live in France than Switzerland with the exchange rate the way it stands AT THE MOMENT.

However, even at the 'traditional' GBP CHF exchange rates, you will earn at least as much as a UK EZY pilot. Then you can cash in at times of Swiss Franc strength (ie. any form of world crisis!)

30th Aug 2012, 07:42
Does anybody know how tax/social security deductions are handled, if living in France and working out of GVA, does it get complicated? I heard that Swiss tax is fairly low, any truth in this?

30th Aug 2012, 12:26
I've heard everyone living or working in CH has to have private health insurance, it's the same price for everyone regardless of their medical history. An insurance premium of 3600 euros per person per year :{

Full Left Rudder
30th Aug 2012, 13:15
Health insurance cost in Switzerland depends on what level of cover you want. 500 CHF a month is pretty standard.

If you live in France you pay tax and social security in Switzerland, and private health insurance in France. Basic cover is about 80 euros a month. Good cover 150 euros a month.

If you live in France you can chose to file a Swiss tax return each year (to get deductions for pension, travel costs, house renovation etc), but you must file a tax return in France. It is pretty straightforward if your only income source is your salary. You get a letter back from the French authorities saying you owe no tax. It is simply a form filling exercise so that you are accounted for as a French resident.

Full Left Rudder
10th Nov 2012, 07:22
The company is recruiting internally for people to conduct candidate interviews at the moment, so I imagine something will happen soon.

No idea what the requirements will be I'm afraid.

13th Nov 2012, 14:43
I received a PFO mail last week. I'm rated with 170 hours on type

14th Nov 2012, 18:10
Recruitment is over. New joiners to start in December. It seems only 1 FO is transferring from MAD (due to base closure), 9 have been hired. Minimum requirements were 500 hours Multicrew. Not sure how many flexicrew will join (on permanent contract)... To be continued...

15th Feb 2013, 16:18
In simple terms : lower-than-ever contracts for EZS.
Still very good for some, but once again in total alignment with their crew cost reduction (targetted 10% crew cost cut, as per Deep Dive in the UK... same applies here).

They won't touch the existing contracts (won't they ??? :} ......) so the only way to mitigate the costs is with new joiners. And with the TRTO arriving shortly, it will get even worse as you will have to pay the Swiss (i e horribly expensive, as anything in Switzerland) price to be rated on the 320, and you will receive the Swiss EZS new joiner new pay, which is not published yet.

Regarding the transfer protocol that was proudly announced by Full Left Rudder in August, well, we are still waiting... :ugh:

Full Left Rudder
18th Feb 2013, 11:38
I hardly announced a new transfer protocol, let alone "proudly announced". I said hopefully a EZS to EZY transfer that was due to happen will set a precedent for the future.

Incidentally, that transfer did happen.

Time will tell if it sets a precedent, but it is at least being discussed.

18th Feb 2013, 15:50
No an EZS - EZY transfer did not happen, an EZY - EZS transfer happened. Brilliant. Not.

Full Left Rudder
18th Feb 2013, 16:30
Some EZY-EZS transfers did happen, yes. Make of that what you will. But a EZS-EZY transfer most definitely did also happen.

18th Feb 2013, 18:10
Any idea when they most likely gonna hire some FO again?
Competetive chance with rating and >1000h on type?

19th Feb 2013, 09:05
There's no EZS-EZY transfer and as far as I'm concerned by that transfer no precedent was set.

McMax they're continually hiring - bonding even if rated. Helps if someone gives your profile a nod or, understandably and quite rightly you're Swiss. As I understand, direct CVs to the head honchos won't help.

19th Feb 2013, 17:39
thanks for information, but unfortunately I didn't found any application link online. Any hints for me?

20th Feb 2013, 07:32
Unfortunately if it's not there, it's temporarily closed. Just keep checking! They are definitely taking people throughout the year. Hello Airlines going bust probably won't help other's chances in my opinion. I.e. Plenty of A320 TR'd Swiss/ B permit people ready to go.

21st Feb 2013, 17:50
Thanks a lot!

12th Mar 2013, 20:49
Hi guys,

Any update/news about the new joiners contract ?

Thank you very much :)

11th May 2013, 16:22
Saw that they will soon be hiring again. Any truth to that and if so, will it be rated or non-rated people?

12th May 2013, 11:03
They will probably hire non type-rated people...
And they will train them with their own TRTO.

Massive preference for Swiss nationals.

12th May 2013, 11:37
Anybody on how to apply to EZS? Is all recruitment done via EZY in Luton or is EZS doing their own recruitment?

Thanks guys

12th May 2013, 22:45
I heard that they did not get permission to take cadets.

13th May 2013, 07:57
Meaning what? There are a plenty of people here who started as cadets including some of the latest joiners.

There is a selection in June so recruitment is on going. On to what terms and conditions I don't know but I believe (not know) it'll be a fixed term (1/2 year) contract.

Recruitment is done by EZS in GVA.

As for how to apply - if you wait for an application online you'll probably be too late.

15th Aug 2013, 09:02
Hi everybody

Probably you are right about the work permits.......

And as i understood they have their own TRTO in switzerland,correct?

But easyJet Switzerland is not sponsoring the rating anymore, it must be self-sponsored,correct?
-the right question is how much is the cost?
"type rating + line training i suppose"?:{

Then easyJet Switzerland will only offer fixed term contracts through a flight crew leasing agency in Switzerland.
-do you know the NAME of the agency?
-do you know the terms of this new contract?
-what can we expect ?
salary,work condition "duty,rest time,vacation"
and how long is the fixed contract ?

Finally at the end of the contract .....?

thank you , happy landing

15th Aug 2013, 13:42
The agency is called 'Resource Consulting AG' based in Zug. Permanent contracts will apparently be offered, subject to performance, when new Ts and Cs are negotiated with our union.

As for how much the TR will be - probably in the region of at least 30000 CHFs but that is a guess. Expect to be based in GVA with the potential to transfer to BSL. Expect to work a lot in the summer and potentially (almost certainly in my opinion) be stood down in the winter.

Yes I work for them but this new contract stuff is......new - and not much info has been issued regarding it.

16th Aug 2013, 08:00
Thanks a lot byflier

But what is the purpose for them to have pilots via a flight crew leasing agency "Switzerland" , comparing with before.?

What about :
the salary
Additional Duty Pay or Per Diems
day off "min 12 for EASYJET SWISS PILOT" , holidays
the Pension....
i suppose at least 10% LESS for the salary comparing with an easyjet
swiss contract.

And during the winter,if i am stood down ,who will pay me"the agency???"
and how much less."at least 20% according the swiss law if 80% paid by the agency ",i hope.:\

I have to take care because it a self-sponsored TR , so a least 2 years and then an easyjet swiss contract, if i am optimist.

It must be a win win , no only in one way.:ok:

I know there is not a lot infos at that time , but it would be great to have an overview......

16th Aug 2013, 17:42
Don't tell me that , it's a self-sponsored TR and during winter time i have to hibernate and anything at all 0+0=0ch:ugh:

What about the unemployment benefit , we should have something ,non?

Everybody has to paid a rent ,earning a minimum salary to live normally and i don't speak about the healthy insurance in switzerland.

really pity if you are right:yuk:

16th Aug 2013, 17:51
I'd suggest you research the easyjet flexi Crew deals outlined elsewhere on the forum. It will be similar.

16th Aug 2013, 18:24
This kind of contract had to find its way to Switzerland one day...

84chf per scheduled hour, no minimum income guaranteed, 200chf for a SBY...

Good luck to the new guys, GVA is not the cheapest place on earth. I am offering a brand new caravan if 5 or 6 of you want a place to sleep on the car park (which you might have to pay by yourselves, BTW).

The flying bob
24th Aug 2013, 12:20
Recruitment expected over the next few weeks.
Requirements are:

500hrs A320
500hrs Multipilot and self fund TR
Cadets from CTC, Oxford or CAE and self fund TR

It mainly works through internal recomendations.

Contract is as detailed above, paid hourly for planned block hours

Good luck

Rui Dias
25th Aug 2013, 11:59
How can I apply?

23rd Sep 2013, 17:11
Dear all

After few weeks without any news :{ , i would like rekindle the post.

Maybe they already found an agreement with their unions for this new pilot contract?
How many pilot are they looking and when they should start their training ?

Except 84ch/h as mentioned before , what are the real conditions , if you already know more then before?
Don't hesitate to give some others infos.....:mad:

Good luck

29th Sep 2013, 20:33
Hi All,

Does anyone have any information on Easy Swiss recruitment?
Are they hiring?
How does one apply?

Thank you.

13th Oct 2013, 12:51
Did they hire anyone?

16th Oct 2013, 09:53
They are recruiting - 36K CHF for a type rating, paid by the hour. If you're already rated I think you're bonded for, or in fact perhaps have to pay, 15K CHFs. Still paid by the hour. You'll all do what you want to do and if you don't someone else will. Tough choice.

16th Oct 2013, 20:34
Hi there,

Where do you find the recruitment you're saying, on the internet EZY career page nothing there.. Only for non TR cadet guys or agencies?

18th Oct 2013, 10:22
The answer is on the page above. Agency only. Gotta do your time.

18th Oct 2013, 12:48
I see WBF, thanks and sorry for that:ok:.