View Full Version : Oz - Perth Atc

12th May 2009, 06:47
I've been trying to organise a visit to perth atc australia, I'm hoping there is someone on the website who could help me with a contact for perth. I've been trying through AsA and getting nowhere.


Vote NO
12th May 2009, 15:53
Try [email protected]

Air Traffic in Western Australia (http://users.ssc.net.au/mcmillan/ATC%20in%20WA/1_air_traffic_in_wester.htm)



12th May 2009, 21:28
All visits have to have security clearance. Suggest your first point of contact should be Vicki Huggins at Melbourne Centre:

[email protected]

03 9235 7423

15th May 2009, 08:36
Thank you both for your help, really appreciate it.

ILS 119.5
17th May 2009, 10:13
I visited Perth centre just with a phone call to the supervisor but still took my I/D (company,passport) and licence as it was required. A good experience and a nice bunch of people. Feel sorry for them now being shafted by the management. Heard a lot of them are leaving ASA to move to DFS in Germany.