View Full Version : Swedish football fans threaten and assault cabin crew and pax

11th May 2009, 05:52
Didn´t see any post about this so I thought I´d go first.

Swedish original: 40 män i blodigt bråk på flygplan | Nyheter | Aftonbladet (http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article5114050.ab)

I´m sure others will be able to give a complete translation since I´m in a bit of a rush.

Fans from the Stockholm team Djurgården was going to fly back to Stockholm from Malmö. Their team had lost against Malmö FF. One passenger was assaulted by the "fans" during taxi towards the runway and the aircraft was returned to gate. Five passengers were apprehended by the police and two charges of assault were filed.
The aircraft then went ahead and took off towards Stockholm/Bromma but the troubles continued. A police spokesperson said that about 30-40 people were involved. Passengers interviewed by the press told about a very unpleasant situation with supporters shouting and threatening both cabin crew and pax. One person was "blodied" and was taken care of by a nurse that was on board.
The flight continued to Bromma airport and upon arrival the police apprehended the "fans". Seven have been charged with "aviation sabotage" (I´m sure there is another legal term in english), max penalty is four years in prison.

Joey Q
11th May 2009, 21:28
Max is 4!! years for aviation sabotage??? ..wow...just wow....