View Full Version : Lufthansa Italia T/C's

9th May 2009, 09:33
Hi everybody!I'd like to apply for LHI .Does anybody know details about their T/C,Monthly roster,pay for FO's,annual leave?...are they looking forward to fly Long Haul in the future?any info will help....Thank you very much!!

29th May 2009, 21:06
Went back from HAM to MUC a couple of days ago. I had a short chat with the Captain after landing. As far as he told me, for the moment LH-Germany is running the whole thing. They might need direct entry pilots as soon as the decission is made how to continue.

30th May 2009, 07:30
What type and how many planes do they have?


Nick 1
30th May 2009, 08:08
Until this stage ,initial test DLR and simulator, no mention of T/C.
Percentual of passing DLR is around 10% , three pilots are still in the game after simulator assessment .

Nick 1

30th May 2009, 23:01
Online application Lufthansa Italia (http://www.lufthansa-pilot.de/lhitalia/index.php)

But remember you must be fluent in Italian and English with JAR ATPL and A319/320 rating for best chance!

Alles Gute!