View Full Version : BA cabin crew missing in Dubai?

puff m'call
4th May 2009, 17:21
Heard a rumour that two BA female cabin crew went missing in a layover about a week ago, family and friends are here in Dubai looking for them.

Nothing in the papers as far as I know, anyone got any news?

Tail Rota
5th May 2009, 04:06

Heard they joined Emirates..............:ugh:Got caught trying to import chicken and are now in the lockup for six months for "illegal importation of a banned substance":D

They will be in the papers when they can get to a phone.......probably towards the end of the year.

Hope this helps


5th May 2009, 06:54
I saw one yesterday in Ikea in full uniform..:confused:

in FACT is
5th May 2009, 09:13
Ops!!!!! what uniform IKEA salesgirl??????:ugh:

5th May 2009, 13:50
Get this thread back on track or it gets the bin. No more funnies please guys, this a C for serious thread.


5th May 2009, 14:12
These two girls were temporary cabin crew and both at the end of their service with the company!

They are back in the UK now since a few days. Obviously they had to go sick downroute but never informed any of the crew and claim that Medlink (the company which we report sick to when downroute) forgot to inform BA about their situation.

A boyfriend to one of the girls was also on the trip but he had to pay a full fare trip back to LHR as the girls staff travel concessions had been withdrawn. The girls also requested CW (Club World) on the UD when they checked in at DXB but the ground staff issued them seats on the main deck.

What really happened them? Nobody will probably never know but apparently some had seen them go out partying...

5th May 2009, 14:54
Veeeeeery Ceriousssss :8