View Full Version : Go Arounds at LHR

25th Apr 2009, 09:22
Just a question out of interest really, on average how many go arounds are there at Heathrow each day and for what reason?

Thanks very much.

25th Apr 2009, 12:13
I think the general rate is 0.2-0.3%.

Usually it's because the one ahead is still on the runway.

Warped Factor
25th Apr 2009, 21:06
Or approach aren't trying hard enough.

25th Apr 2009, 23:25
...or trying too hard :E

27th Apr 2009, 08:11
or because the jets aren't flying the assigned speed.... serious bone of contention in tc at the moment

27th Apr 2009, 08:21
Enhanced Mode S should improve assigned IAS compliance.
Can Enhanced Mode S display the MCP-selected IAS in addition to the actual IAS?

27th Apr 2009, 08:42
Watched a Go-Around in front of me the other day. Can't remember the airline but they were LHR 'visitors' :ok:.

ATC had told them constantly to reduce speed, 160 to 4 but they were a touch (read alot) quicker. Closed the gap rapidly (down to 1.5 nm on my TCAS) and then suggested to tower that they could 'land after' the one that had just touched down (Air France I seem to remember, never renowned for being the quickest off the runway). It was quite amusing listening to the resigned tone of the tower explaining, very slowly, that they HAD to go-around. Eventually they did.

From where I sit the guys and girls on LHR approach, director and tower do an absolutely fantastic job and I am thankful for your professionalism every single day.

Keep it up.


27th Apr 2009, 09:04
Mode S does show the actual IAS not the selected speed, so we can see what the a/c is actually flying although it's not mandatory to check, I believe that if I tell an a/c to fly 160 to 4 DME, and they read it back, it's not unreasonable to expect they should do it! Or if they can't to tell me. What would be useful is if the twr had mode S readout on their ATM, then we wouldn't have to phone them to tell them an a/c isn't flying the assigned speed and to ask it to reduce/increase accordingly.

Regarding jets that don't slow down, personally I think this is less of a problem because, as long as separation with the preceeding isn't lost, it'll be the one who doesn't comply with the speed restriction that goes around, so they'll learn the hard way. For me the greater injustice is when an a/c slows down earlier than 4 DME and consequently the following a/c, who does comply with the speed restriction, goes around. Sometimes I feel as though the best thing to do would be to file on a/c that cause go-arounds in such scenarios although I think I'd probably spend most of my day on the computer filling out forms rather than actually controlling!

27th Apr 2009, 12:34
<<What would be useful is if the twr had mode S readout on their ATM, then we wouldn't have to phone them to tell them an a/c isn't flying the assigned speed and to ask it to reduce/increase accordingly>>

That's only any good if TWR knows the assigned speed! 160 to 4D may be 'standard' but how is AIR ARR to know that Number 2 hasn't 'tweaked' one...or two without telling!?

We have the tech for SEL FL, why not SEL IAS?

<<For me the greater injustice is when an a/c slows down earlier than 4 DME>>

Send the front one (the perpetrator!) around then! Their company ops will soon be on the telephone to TWR SUP to ask why, thereby providing an opportunity for them to be politely told! They will soon mend their ways if their pilots' actions have compromised their commercial operation.

27th Apr 2009, 14:25

What would be useful is if the twr had mode S readout on their ATM, then we wouldn't have to phone them to tell them an a/c isn't flying the assigned speed and to ask it to reduce/increase accordingly.

But then we'd have to phone you to find out what the assigned speed was, and what to do about it outside of 4DME.


Send the front one (the perpetrator!) around then!

Some of us do that, unless it's a wake turbulence infringement.

Trinity 09L
29th Apr 2009, 22:09
I was on board an Aer Lingus A321 on 14/4 at around 21.00 hrs in the back row seats, describing the view inbound to 09L all the way to passing M25 (ish), then - after all these years:uhoh: - a go around, text book, full power, no touch down, left turn off runway heading, then onto the circuit, on the down wind leg excellent description/commentary from the front office = slow lander :zzz: in front, and safely back to 09L :D - just another day:)