View Full Version : Is FOA a good stepping stone into ATC?

14th Apr 2009, 17:57
Hi guys,

I've recently completed a basic ATSA course with ASTAC, and have applied to a few airports in regards to ATSA positions.

Recently I was offered the chance to apply for the position of flight operations assistant (FOA).

Is it worth applying for this post? (Keeping in mind my end-goal is to be an ATCO). Would I be able to use it to progress to an ATCO? Do airfields ever sponsor FAO?

Your feedback appreciated as always.

14th Apr 2009, 20:39
Q. Why haven't you already applied for ATCO??

Hope they didn't charge an arm and a leg for the ATCA course; there isn't a great deal to learn "in general" as the ATCA task varies considerably from unit to unit. At one it might be a very responsbile position whilst at another it might just mean a tea-maker.

Good luck, but I urge you to head for ATCO rather than wasting time on subsidiary tasks.

14th Apr 2009, 20:55
I did actually apply for nats, unfortunately didnt succeed.
Eurocontrol said I'm a month too old to join them..
So thought rather then waste a year waiting for the morning period to be over, I'd try do something more productive.

Plus I really dont have the funds to self-sponsor myself.

The atsa course was def worth it.. aswell as the tower visit; spending a week on an airfield was pretty cool, as I got to see alot of what goes on behind the scenes. Also the networking with both past and current ATCO's is also pretty sweet. I can also now proudly say that I know how to fill in a flight strip :ok:

I'm mainly trying to find an atsa position for the time being.. come next jan I'll try nats again, if I dont succeed with them, then sooner or later (god-willing) my unit will sponsor me for becoming an atco. (It was nice to see quite a few unit-sponsored atsa's at astac). So def double my chances of becoming an atco.

Anyways back to the FOA; from what I can read from google, it seems to be more RAF orianted.. however the company is QinetiQ.. (are they part of the RAF also?)

FOA seems to be very similiar to ATSA (are they the same thing?) Is it worth pursuing the position or should I hold out for an atsa as more chance to be unit sponsored for atco?

From what I remember reading, the atsa route was similiar to the path you took heathrow director?

14th Apr 2009, 21:25
Hi & well done for getting a qualification behind you, shows initiative & resourcefulness. As for the FOA, why not? The application & interview process will be useful, & if offered & you want the job, it'll give you some aviation knowledge which will help in the future. It certainly won't harm any application.

I believe QinetiQ are the old Defence Research people, now privatised. You'll surf up the full sp.

Both myself & many of my friends & colleagues started as ATSAs; it certainly wasn't considered a "subsidiary task", & although NATS has a policy of reducing ATSA head count, that's not the same everywhere else, & we all have to start somewhere.

Between us we've worked all around the world in many different aviation areas, not just ATC, from flying to training, safety management to airport management. The key is not where you start, but where you finish & making sure you have a good time on the journey - & you won't know that unless you have a go. Also, once you're on the pitch, it'll be easier to move around, so good luck, & keep us posted :ok:

14th Apr 2009, 21:28
alfaman - Thank you for your kind words.
I really appreciate it mate.

bottom rung
15th Apr 2009, 06:00
I don't know if Qinitec have a policy of putting promising FOA/ATSAs on courses... that might be worth checking out. Have you tried dropping a line to SERCO or HIAL? Both these companies have an active track record of sponsoring employees through the ratings.

15th Apr 2009, 06:42
<<From what I remember reading, the atsa route was similiar to the path you took heathrow director?>>

Sorry, no, never was an ATSA. I didn't do at all well at school and got a lowly job as a clerk in the civil service. I couldn't get a job as an ATCA/ATSA in the Min of Aviation (as NATS was then) due to my lack of educational qualifications. I then spent the next 4 years pestering every non-state airfield in the UK and eventually got a job as a "trainee controller" at Blackbushe. I got sacked from there by the loony AVM who ran the place and managed to get on an ATCO training course with IAL and went abroad, etc, etc, etc.

If NATS turned you down then you are at least trying, for which I applaud you. (Been there, done that, know how difficult it is). Did you find out why NATS refused you?

Alfaman is right - the journey might be difficult but if it achieves the desired result then it will be worth it.

15th Apr 2009, 18:53
Ghost UK, you mention that the job is with Qinetiq, is it at Boscombe? If so then you're applying for a posts as an ATSA at a military ATC unit and I'm afraid that progression onto ATCO trg will not be available to you in that post. It may well be good job experience for you and may open your eyes to joining as a Direct Entry senior non-commissioned officer, or as a junior officer controller to the RAF. The point to watch out for there though is your age if Eurocontrol have already turned you down - don't know what the cut-off age is for either though I'm afraid.... If you want any other details pm me! :ok: