View Full Version : RAF Pilot Looking For Etihad and EK Gen

10th Apr 2009, 14:50
Hi there

I have just managed to get myself liciensed up and looking at future employment prospects in Mid East. As i have spent the better part of the last 4 years flying out there and staying in less than perfect conditions I thought the above airlines might be an improvement. Etihad on paper looks the best but it is hard to sort through all the chaff on this site.

With 3 little sproglets in tow the schooling allowance is an incentive. Are there any ex RAF types currently out there with family who would be happy to PM me with some objective advice?

What are the company housing issues like with Etihad in Abdab? Is it box type apartments, can you get something decent with the allowance?

All and any info greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.

Chandler Bing
10th Apr 2009, 16:49
Grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence....

EY is no exception, the curtain shines, but when you scratch underneath, you discover a huge ****hole.

Nice aircrafts, bad patterns, overall T&C's degrading slowly without your opinion. No more breakfasts in lay overs, hotels quality downgrading except in Australia, coz our management get under the table . housing , well you end up in a average box in the desert in the middle of pakistani labor camps.
Not speaking about the new package cooking, nothing better you can be sure.
Flight time limitations are a joke as well as rostering. Flight safety is no better.
Your management doesn't care at all of your life.
Training is almost the biggest joke, I hope you can keep your standards up by yourself.
EY takes care of your visa and just enough to put you on the production line, but your family is your problem, and believe me, when it comes to paperwork here, you will turn crazy.....
the accomodation provided upon joining is an insult, but they count on the fact that you left everything behind and that you have no choice but staying.
The contract you sign isn't worth the paper it's written on.

The good side of EY
Staff travel is nice though
Crew atmosphere is quite ok on board
EY is developping even during these days
Car petrol is cheap

Be prepared to suffer to get what you come here for. It comes to a price. Be sure your family is motivated and can afford to be inside Air conditionning for 4 and half months in summer.
If you have children, EY allowance covers a third of the American school fees, or half of the british..... the rest comes out of your pocket, expect to leave 1 or 2 months salary there.

Hope that it helps and good luck

11th Apr 2009, 05:12
For one time everything said just above depicts exactly what Etihad is!

11th Apr 2009, 06:55
give us a favor don't come.

11th Apr 2009, 07:11
Read the above and please use the search function :ugh:

Thread closed :ugh: