View Full Version : QR-Hats on walkround

Phantom Driver
8th Apr 2009, 18:26
Notice the guys in DOH doing pre flt walkrounds with hats firmly planted. Company policy?- (or maybe just a few one-offs observed!). Either way, surely a FOD hazard on the apron?

8th Apr 2009, 18:51
STIR-UP alert!

Company policy mate. And not a FOD hazard because the sane people will not wear it in strong winds, and the insane will use the chin strap!

What do you care anyway?

Phantom Driver
8th Apr 2009, 19:09
Not a "stir-up", old chap. Just curious. FOD is (or should be) a concern to every aviator.

8th Apr 2009, 20:52
NO HAT in QATAR - PLUS 6 months to Upgrade

9th Apr 2009, 07:13
Not a "stir-up", old chap. Just curious. FOD is (or should be) a concern to every aviator.

Oh yeah..why dont you prohibit your colleague sitting next to you from using a fork and a knife while eating a meal..surely a potential weapon.
My point being Mr Phantom,what are the chances of your hat flying off and becoming a FOD hazard?...How many cases have we heard so far?

9th Apr 2009, 10:17
Hats are a reminiscent of helmets worn by knights and soldiers to protect their heads.
We no longer need helmets at work, therefore the more strict the enforcement to wear hats off effective duty, the the more managements admit bombarding us with unneccessary crap, just proving their incompetence.

10th Apr 2009, 02:20
At least they propose their pilots to look like pilots unlike the crap that some have to wear, try a Virgin Blue uniform mate!
We are all equal here, sure lets make pilots look like loaders shall we?
Classic comeback, well said. :D

10th Apr 2009, 03:18
Yeah whats the matter with you guys even the bus drivers in NY wear hats. Bet you love taking your wife to dinner in uniform.:8

10th Apr 2009, 03:53
As you all know, Qatar is a place with heavy rain, almost every day.
Because the crew were not wearing the hats in the rain, they got sick often and company had to do something about it. So, here is this rule that hat should not be removed under any circumstances unless you are taking your rest.

King on a Wing
10th Apr 2009, 06:39
I would never wear my hat on a walkaround.And the FOD argument makes complete sense.Au contrair,I certainly WOULD wear my hat for a walkaround on a windy day,if only for personal reasons.To keep my toupee in place! Two certain FOD's are a whole lot more hazardous than one 'potential' FOD.Of course we have a gust limitation for the headgear during the walkaround.And its in the Ops manual somewhere.That's where the chin straps come in.Only on walkarounds,where half the HWC plus gust component exeed the Ops manual limitation(nothing in the AFM in this regard),when one must wear one's headgear,to provide protection to his/her erm 'more sensitive' headwear should one make judicious use of the ol WW2 chin strap! Just remember to keep your head INTO the wind at all times during the walkaround.To prevent exceeding company 'wind limitation'...!!

10th Apr 2009, 06:45
Not only for walk around, but when you walk through the cabin and when you go the washroom,cap "should be" FIRMLY planted.:}
This remind me a story i heard once: when one of our "fellow scared" colleague when to the washroom with his cap(apparently not firmly planted enough..:uhoh:),While he was releasing from a physiological need..his cap felt down inside..guess where..
Everybody including the F/O were wondering where the cpt disappeared while he was rinsing his cap under the tap for "hours" inside the toilet..

10th Apr 2009, 07:09
HUAHUAH that's funny:ok:. I never used to do this while i was flying for QR. But i was not that fortunate to get reported.I wish i could go without waiting for the 3 months notice.the Worst 3 months of my life.:ugh:

AL QATARIA - Fu@#(&@#)& you Personally:mad:

=> chin straps ( this is for the soldiers of Uncle Beth in UK)

10th Apr 2009, 08:18
Nobody is doing it actually...only a few guys...

10th Apr 2009, 08:22
Yeah, i know LOC

I wish The little man vanish.I wonder if QR will improve. I guess yes:ok:

Phantom Driver
10th Apr 2009, 16:56
My point being Mr Phantom,what are the chances of your hat flying off and becoming a FOD hazard?...How many cases have we heard so far?

I think you will find it happens more often than you think. One of our hi vis vests (you know, the yellow ones; mandatory for our walkrounds; you don't have it on?-- hefty fine at our base), ended up down the air con inlet duct, due not being "properly fastened", (but more likely not properly worn). Lot of suction on a hot day with 3 packs at work on the 74.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the wearing of hats. In fact I think they do play an important part in corporate image. Pilots, just like cabin crew, should not look scruffy, especially in front of the customers who are the ones that ultimately decide whether the company succeeds or not.

However, there is an appropriate time and place for everything. Walking around the tarmac, who cares about being recognised as the pilot or the baggage handler? We are all doing our own jobs to keep the operation running smoothly and safely. Suggest more people get a "GRIP" (program).

10th Apr 2009, 20:51
Yeah, one has to smile at the whole uniform issue. I am on a layover in Venice at the moment and earlier we went to go get a bite to eat at a busy Friday night restaurant / pub. In walks an entire crew, all donning tunics, stripes, ties, the works, and they all sat down, kept all their apparel on and ordered alcoholic beverages. I don't know which airline they flew for but it kind of reminded me of the scene in Top Gun where Iceman was wearing his "mirror shades" and "icecream suit" in the bar. LOL!

11th Apr 2009, 04:49
The Cabin Crew don't wear their hats in the cabin with the doors closed, so neither should we.

The cap is part of the uniform so it should only be worn when in uniform. With a yellow jacket on, we are NOT in uniform so it should not be worn in this case.

If the management want us to maintain this 'military' look, then we should obey the same rules. No?


11th Apr 2009, 09:37
i never wear my hat once the doors are closed ,and i dont think they want u to wear the hat to the toilet i guess somebody is just making this rule up but to be properly attired well be u should have ur tie on when going to the toilet not the hat >>.:)

Emma Gemma
11th Apr 2009, 13:50
Sort of true, oryxbollocks.

The CC have to wear their hats until the doors are armed. The hats must also come on again the second the doors are disarmed.

Silver Spur
11th Apr 2009, 15:59
Hats on, Hats off, Such a big deal huh??
I take my Hat Off for people mature enough not to worry about this too much.

Emma Gemma
11th Apr 2009, 16:57
Silver Spur,

At least in the cabin (although this is the pilots section after at all) it's between keeping or loosing your job!

11th Apr 2009, 17:17
Incredible to see how most of our QR "brothers in arms" do not even bother to comment on things like Breach of contract, erosion of T/Cs, colleagues in jail, megalomaniacs running FOAM and HR and so on

But the moment the "HAT" issue is touched they all come in action!


Silver Spur
12th Apr 2009, 05:58
Emma Gemma,

Pardon me for failing to notice that. :eek:

PUPY 199
14th Apr 2009, 10:05
From all i see on PPRUNE i am now 100% sure i will not accept QA offer.
people in QR i can see are not happy with whats going on last 3 y i have checked all post about QR and i found only 2 % positive comments and its all about money and how Doha is safe place ( which i got to know its not true any more ) .How can a place be safe if you get terminated easy ?
Things i dont like in QA:
1)Purser has more influance then the Capt.
2)CRM is just taken as regulation ( it can make airline really down )
3)Cabin crew can not enter cockpit ( whats that man jail or what )
4)Hat is mandatory but pilots standards are not
5)Need CEO clereance to get command ( he is a pilot or just mad man )
6)No salary or package change for last 3 y
7)Resigantion or jumpshift from airline ( must be somthing wrong )
8)I was told there is a book memo with 145 NOT ALOWED rules
9)Flight/ops management change every 1-2 y (can be reduced up CEO approval )
10)There is no plan as every new CP or CT has his own new plan.
11)In this PPRUNE some Catmate come too much in picture
12)If pilot do a bad sim one time is 2 y no promotion or fleet transfere
13)Only 58 % of cammand upgrade get tru
14)There is intervew for everything ( thats how manipulation is done )
15)Qatari pilots are treated bad why should i as expat expect better ?
16)Ther eis human right issues involved but people scared to talk about it.
Any more resaons let me know plz

14th Apr 2009, 10:17
what are the chances of your hat flying off and becoming a FOD hazard?...How many cases have we heard so far?

Witnessed an F/O doing a walk round on a 737. "I'll just have a look down the aircon intake .........oops!" There goes hat, sunglasses the lot. :D

Made I laaarrff. That is until we had to retrieve em. :ouch:

King on a Wing
14th Apr 2009, 11:45
Although I fully agree that u dont wear ur hat on the walkaround,I honestly dont know what the hell was ur buddy thinking looking INTO the ACM intake.That's a nono taught from day one..!! :=
However,on a different note,the same could happen even in the wheel wells whilst getting the ACM exhaust,which is exactly why u DO NOT wear ur hat during a walkaround.

15th Apr 2009, 19:47
Pupy 109,

grow up and make up your own mind! And start by basing yourself on facts and not on a forum which is called rumour network!

QR/EK/EY....all the same. This is the Gulf my friend. One is better with this, the other is better with that!

Do you like the British Commonwealth? Go to EK!

Do you like ze Germans? Go to EY!

Do you like everybody else? Go to QR!

There you have it. The same amount of guidance as what you just put in your last post!

Hope it helps!:ugh:

And to all you whiners about hats on walkarounds! GET A LIFE!

17th Apr 2009, 11:20
Make sure you have a life....dont go to Goat Airways if you can get into EK or EY....British Commonwealth/Germans ??.....not sure about that :rolleyes:

If you need a job go to QR it beats being unemployed :}

Phantom Driver
17th Apr 2009, 17:56
Make sure you have a life....dont go to Goat Airways if you can get into EK or EY....British Commonwealth/Germans ??.....not sure about that :rolleyes:

If you need a job go to QR it beats being unemployed

A very unfair and unwarranted comment. I fly QR a lot as SLF and the whole operation is streets ahead of the local competition and rivals those in my region.

This thread was started as a lighthearted diversion from the usual doom and gloom posts that seem to delight some of the posters. Maybe it is time to shut this particular one down!