View Full Version : School fees in Abu Dhabi

Sir Osis of the river
5th Apr 2009, 07:15
To all those wanting to come and work in Abu Dhabi, have a good look at your packages first and do your home work.

While most prices are in fact coming down, even housing, Raha International School has seen fit to raise it's fees by up to 33%. This makes it the most expensive school in the UAE. The annual fee, per student, for Grade 11 is now going to AED 72 000 p/a!!:ugh:

Make no mistake, the rest of the greedy schools will soon follow.

Sir O'

Sir Osis of the river
6th Apr 2009, 08:07
Good Grief Noservices,

I had not seen that one. I guess there is always someone worse off than yourself.

They are greedier than I thought.:(

Oh well, Guess homeschooling is in.

6th Apr 2009, 10:05
Luckily Etihad airways has an advisor for schooling to tell you that schools are expensive and that Pilots schooling allowance doesnt pay half of the schooling fees.

6th Apr 2009, 10:55
Man how come u put ur kids in RAHA, that place is a JAIL,so many regulations.No creativiy allowed.Sorry but i hate the British curriculum,and i lived couple of years in UK so i can talk about it.

Have u Checked AL AIN? The prices is 5 times less, GEMS as well.How come man? Same School. This )@#U$_@#*_@ greedy people F(@#&$#@)& us UP. i think we as group must talk to EY to check about this matter.Pressure is the key

Sir Osis of the river
7th Apr 2009, 03:02
Raha is not a Gems school.

It is owned by Taaleem, a Dubai based group. (Maybe because Dubai is out of money they are tying to subsidise by ripping off the parents in Abu Dhabi.

Also it is not a British curriculum school It is an IB school.

Sir O

7th Apr 2009, 13:39
Kruger Flap you shoule become the schooling advisor in EY.
Surely you are giving better options than the person there.

Sir Osis of the river
4th May 2009, 14:28
So apparently "Etihad" were in the school office.

Anyone know who was there and if anything was resolved?

The fee increase has apparently been reduced, but is still ridiculous.:ugh:

4th May 2009, 17:25
To all those wanting to come and work in Abu Dhabi, have a good look at your packages first and do your home work.

While most prices are in fact coming down, even housing, Raha International School has seen fit to raise it's fees by up to 33%. This makes it the most expensive school in the UAE. The annual fee, per student, for Grade 11 is now going to AED 72 000 p/a!!:ugh:

Make no mistake, the rest of the greedy schools will soon follow.

Sir O'

Are you sure about the fees? According the website it is much lower:

Age GroupAnnual FeeKG One and KG TwoAED 32,000Grades One to SixAED 42,000Grades Seven to NineAED 48,000

Sir Osis of the river
5th May 2009, 03:02
Yes, unfortunately they do not update their website.

Phone them and see what figures they quote you.

There is a meeting today between the parents and the Taleem group to discuss the matter.Hopefully this will produce some positive results. A survey conducted amongst parents recently indicated that more than 50% of parents were considering removing their kids from RaHa.

Think carefully before placing your children and education allowance at the hands of these people.

Sir O

12th May 2009, 21:28
Off the wall question here.
If you are a ex pat UAE resident is it required for your airline under the labor laws to provide school assistant funds for school age Dependants?
Or is this just a contract perk provided by the company?

Eng AW139
13th May 2009, 02:11
Do people still home school? With the increase of fees I would think that this might be a option.

13th May 2009, 07:08
Hey Guys,try HORIZON SCHOOL,KHALIFA A , very nice enviroment and the price is ok for my budget. People from there told me that the owner is one of the Royal Sheiks,so the price is maintained at a fair value,because they want people ,Emiratis or Expats to have good Quality international school without paying this ridiculous amount that GEMS or RAHA ask for..:D

To get there coming from the EY HQ or Academy you turn left on the round about after the Khalifa Police Station( it gonna be in your left and Al Raha Gardens in your right.,Than just continue straith until u see the HORIZON in your left side.

PM if u need more info,they don't have website yet. One year.

13th May 2009, 10:18
As the increase saga for Raha is now over for the next year, the increase was not nearly as large as originally thought...........average of about 15% up to grade 9 and 5% for grade 10 and 11. Grade 10 and 11's are now going to pay less per year than 7-9's.......makes sense I am sure:hmm:

Sir Osis of the river
13th May 2009, 12:09
Yes the fees are now at a more reasonable level for next year, thanks to Government intervention. However, as Demented has pointed out, the new structure makes no sense, so standby for an "adjustment".

However, now Etihad has apparently cut us off at the knees by only paying on a six monthly basis. Must have been a decision by our whizz bang school advisor.:ugh:

What to do Yanni?

Ancient Observer
14th May 2009, 16:41
Won't the schools adviser have to talk to one of the senior managers? Like the, er, EVP Ops??
Coffee or tea, orange juice, toast and school fees?