View Full Version : Benson and Brize 09-04-03

3rd Apr 2009, 22:24
Had a brilliant base visit in the morning with NVAT, despite the morning weather of which was horrible mist but then when we left benson what happened...Yes you guessed right it was glorious so off to brize we went:) I will put some more on tomorrow if you so wish...
On to brize
Twice in one day:)

Could be the last?
4th Apr 2009, 08:21
Phot 1 has to be a caption competition -

Who is the guy coming out of the front door..............?

4th Apr 2009, 08:52
He's just been told about his payrise!

4th Apr 2009, 09:31
Maybe he's just realised how appalling the PRU Splasticfire looks with that drooping tail?

Is there NO pride left in the RAF? For heaven's sake, get it fixed - frankly it's an acute embarassment looking like that.

Can you imagine an Army gate guard cannon with a drooping muzzle? Or HMS Victory with a bent mast?

Anway, it looks like you had a great day out - some nice photos!

4th Apr 2009, 11:44
get it fixed - frankly it's an acute embarassment looking like that

Sorry, Mr Brown hasn't allocated the couple of quid to fund that huge project yet... he has spent it all on feeding 20 world leaders at No.10.

5th Apr 2009, 16:33
Wot.. no C17's???

5th Apr 2009, 23:17
Who is the guy coming out of the front door..............?

Looks like the classic movie shot of someone coming out of a door with someone behind with a gun........either that or he has realised all the donuts he promised to his colleagues have been eaten.

6th Apr 2009, 16:14
Those expressing disappointment at the sagging tailplane on the Benson 'Spitonastick' are totally misinformed - it is in fact a tribute to Margaret Horton and shows its status following landing after she became known as the WAAF who failed to remove herself in time from a Spitfire taxying out for an airtest and hence gained a little 'flying time'. Original aircraft now with BoB Flight, so the colour scheme is wrong and the 'body' is missing, but that's it - blow-up doll anyone?

The Helpful Stacker
6th Apr 2009, 17:07
Nice pictures, though why has the Wessex got that silly corporate 'Royal Air Force' logo on the door? Its hardly 'period'.

Are they going to slap them all over the BBMF aircraft too?