View Full Version : Bonding for a new Type

1st Apr 2009, 13:28
Hi all

The Company i work for has recently bought a new aircraft type. The issue of Bonding crews (years v money) on the new type has been raised.

Given that the currently flown type is also to remain in service, my questions are:

Within the companies YOU work for does the introduction of a new type lead to crews being bonded?

Can companies force you to do an additional type rating and be bonded for it?



1st Apr 2009, 19:55
No, they freeze you on type for a while. If a company pays its crew correctly and its terms are correct then no need to bond its crew again as you won't be leaving.

1st Apr 2009, 20:08

No problem, just stay on "the currently flown type".

Presumably the choice is yours, and it just depends if you think there is any possibility of anybody recruiting in the next 2-3 years?

Difficult to comment without knowing what types they are.

The company I work for doesn't bond people.

1st Apr 2009, 20:26
Bonding on an initial type shouldn't be a problem (putting aside those who buy their job under the guise of a SSTR). Being bonded because your company choose to move you to a new type just isn't on.

2nd Apr 2009, 16:18
In my outfit it used to be 2 years decreasing bond for switching types. Now it's 3 years, non-decreasing and it applies even if one's type is being phased out.

Thank you for your post, 13thstage. It should serve as a warning to the pilots who hope that the first type rating that they pay would be the last one.

But it probably won't.