View Full Version : Gulfair All new hiring and training stopped ?

31st Mar 2009, 19:42
anyone can confirm this?
and rumors of 777 leaving now???
One of the clues would be that nobody got any e-mail regarding fleet tranfer, i would guess...

1st Apr 2009, 10:37
Expect H U G E changes this month from top down. Big Management changes from Board Level down. Expect 340 to go. expect 777 to go. expect 2 767 to come back. Expect downsizeing. All very sensible now that Owners want answers and results. Long time due.

Good luck chaps. Glad I had the fun times. Fantastic Company. Would come back tomorrow to help out but pushing 68 now !

1st Apr 2009, 12:47
So, what will happen with the 4 A330 to be leased from ILFC (I believe the first one was due in March), one of them new built (XL Airways NTU)?

Regards Stefan

1st Apr 2009, 19:03
Hi Landflap,

That will be a remarkable and unprecedented turnaround, can one ask from where this information emanates?

1st Apr 2009, 20:29
this whole fiasco sounds like another one of many half cooked, half spirited, half hearted, incomplete, uneducated, inept, unstudied, immoral, abnormal, illogical, incoherent, idiotic plans that gf, after over 60 years of running airlines, still can not get a grasp of doing.

1st Apr 2009, 20:39
2030 Bahrain vision!!
Run by IDIOTS!! BN and BANANAS!!! they will decide our future!!

1st Apr 2009, 20:41
here's a great idea for 'my idea'!!! bn and bananaboat will be very interested!!

New CPRL offers airlines money-saving opportunity - Flight Training News (http://www.flighttrainingnews.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=1)

1st Apr 2009, 21:17
Great stuff!....Got to keep the sense of humour going...loved the date of issue.
Reminds me of the GF suggestion box back in the 1980s...before someone set fire to it!
There was a brilliant idea handed in... seriously written... suggesting "Ultr Lightweight suitcases" be issued to all crew members.
Of course... these cases were to be purchased at the crews expense!
These cases would save GF a huge amount of weight... and thus contribute greatly to the company fuel fuel saving policy and aircraft performance.
The L1011 fleet office looked into this one.
Anyway if asked about what they knew about the company fuel policy by a trainer some pilots would say it was of course very important and probably with Norwich Union.