View Full Version : UK - Bob Smith - retired ATCO

31st Mar 2009, 11:29
Hello all,

I am trying to find someone on behalf of a friend and was wondering if any of our older members may remember or be in touch with him.

The chaps name is Bob Smith, he was an ATCO at Hurn in the mid 1960's (college or the airport, I am not sure), and later moved, possibly to Southampton.

I'm sorry this information is a bit vague, as I say it is on behalf of a friend whose memory is a little sketchy, he served in the Army with Bob and would dearly like to get back in touch.

He would probably be in his late 60's by now.

If anyone has any information or could possibly point me in the right diretion I would appreciate a PM from you.

Many thanks,


31st Mar 2009, 15:20
There was a Bob Smith at Brum during 80's and 90's and possibly before but the name isn't uncommon