View Full Version : Another security hoax, this time at LBA

27th Mar 2009, 22:04
"Leeds Bradford international airport has re-opened after a suspicious package found there was believed to be a hoax."

"The package was discovered on a Pakistani International Airlines plane which was on the runway, Sky sources say.
The airport was evacuated - but police later gave the airport the all-clear."

That unfortunatley is the entirety of the article from Sky News, it seems the whole event happened within an hour the first article being timed at 2110 reporting the finding of the package, with the re-opening article timed at 2149.

Another fool having a laugh again? I take it this is a similar even to the LGW incident a few days ago? I have to say it sounds bizzare that they evacuated the airport when the package was located on an aircraft sitting on the runway. Seems blurry, but thought I'd pipe up anyway.