View Full Version : 380 now 180 back to the 330...

26th Mar 2009, 10:03
Crews being asked to 'volunteer' to return to 330 from 380...

58? I think the number will be closer to 8.

26th Mar 2009, 12:17
Yep, apparently if no takers then reverse seniority back onto the 330. F/o's might be interested as no right to left now on the A380. The 8 line skippers will I guess be the 8 most junior on the fleet. Can't imagine they'll be too happy :{ No such problems on the 777 eh!!! :hmm:

27th Mar 2009, 02:13
Could the A380 FOs bid the 777 fleet which is growing faster and offers more routes or will they be "forced" to return to the Airbus fleet?

27th Mar 2009, 04:50
Its not written yet but A380 FO's would be smart to get off the 380 if they have the chance. Nothing ever has to be on paper and if they do put it on paper it would not happen until they had to IE 2 years from now.

27th Mar 2009, 06:37
by Marooned:

58? I think the number will be closer to 8

I guess you are more likely referring to the number of aircraft EK will take in, aren't you?

27th Mar 2009, 09:53

It is a shame but I think the timing of the 380 could not be worse and the 58 on order will never materialize.

As transatlantic and european traffic contracts, all carriers are looking towards the Gulf and Asia. Add this extra capacity to the Gulf carriers planned increase of 40% then the 380 doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. This large increase in capacity in a markedly reduced market will take its toll.

Reassigning it may help but the figures were initially based on the prime european and US destinations the 777 is going to service. With both the 787 and 350s looming which are more suitable to current conditions the 380 looks very vulnerable.

27th Mar 2009, 11:35
The A380 could be parked next to the QE 2 and used for staff accommodation :}

Fart Master
27th Mar 2009, 16:46
Approx 60 been asked to go back to A332/343 fleet

27th Mar 2009, 17:28
Fart Master - that is incorrect. 8 capts and 8 fo's will be asked to go back after the volunteer period is over (end of month)

asking 60 to go back would be over half the existing fleet and would ground the aircraft.

27th Mar 2009, 20:37
its always on the ground anyway :}

28th Mar 2009, 02:11
Wrong again!!! We still gonna need the "primitive" Boeings to carry all the suitcases that can't fit in the Bus.. :}
Back to the thread now..

Fart Master
28th Mar 2009, 04:41
A380 driver "Wrong yet again", who pissed on your bonfire? :{

Jeez, I'm sorry if people think I'm wrong but that was what I was told by someone who had spoken to Training Management.

28th Mar 2009, 05:43
Fart MAster - No stress from me - just that there are only 70 or 80 guys on the thing (I think) so 60 would be lot. Seems to be working a bit better now however what they are going to do with 5 more this year let alone 58 is beyond me. I also agree that the figures compared to a 777-300 are not that impressive. We are hauling a lot of tin for a small payload increase.

28th Mar 2009, 07:19
8 crews is still a tacit indication that the aircraft is failing. 16 out of 80 odd is still nearly 20% of the crew...

28th Mar 2009, 07:28
Please put the handbags away ladies http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sauer/angry-smiley-038.gif

The Airbus Vs Boeing argument will never go away, lets all get over it http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/lachen/laughing-smiley-017.gif


Fart Master
28th Mar 2009, 08:08
I wasn't aware that it was an Airbus vs Boeing discussion, all I did was post the info given to me by someone high up in the company, if the info is wrong, then ok, no big deal.

A380-800, I am on the Airbus fleet

28th Mar 2009, 11:51
a380-800 seems like an arrogant "super" kinda guy! Mr. Fart only posted something that he heard so if it's wrong no big deal.

Chilled out guys! Be it airbus or Boeing we're all on the same boat.

28th Mar 2009, 12:02
This was not meant to start a slanging match just bring up the fact that crews on the 380 ore being redeployed back to 330/340.

All additional aircraft be it 777F when the price of freight has dropped through the floor and any additional pax capacity must be suspect.

28th Mar 2009, 15:06
Reason for the re-deployment is the fact that we will be flying to BKK and Toronto. BKK only one crew per day on one a/c compared to JFK 2 crews. Then Toronto only 3 flight per week.

The crews trained currently would be for daily JFK, LHR and SYD-AKL.

Makes sense, does it not?

Sure the next 5 will be delayed as well if possible, unless the slowdown stops.

28th Mar 2009, 16:33
Exactly the point...

High revenue, currently low demand routes for 'hopefully' higher demand lower revenue ones. Not the plan but flexibility has to be the key during these times as worth a shot.

It's not a question of bashing the 380 just EKs overall increasing capacity in a declining, increasingly competitive market.

EK are banking on taking up the slack as other carriers retrench but there is increasing opposition to EK stepping in on other peoples turf and they will not go unopposed.

For all of us I hope it works out but it doesn't make sense to me to expand into a contracting world incurring the higher costs with reducing revenues.

2nd Apr 2009, 07:13
SLF in C yesterday. To JFK.

Very load pax load, but interesting chat with 2 pax, when we met in the bar for a chat.

The two ladies, are regular SLF from west coast to DXB, and were in the sharp end.

Total of 5 in First, perhaps 25 or so in Business and 50% in stowage.

These ladies ( not ladies but Ladies) are in the horse business, and are "great friends" of the rulers.

"We will we very sad to see the 380 go, we hate the 777, and the 380 was the major reason for them using EK recently".

I liked the 380, in Club, nice service, but not over enthusiastic about the pod.
The IFE content appeared to be dated, very few recent blockbusters. Fawlty Towers being the IFE highlight.

The cabin crew were excellent. The sight of the Asian girls in the aft galley in their PJ,s filling their hot water bottles was perhaps my best memory of the flight.
The worst being the very narrow space between the pods, for access.

Complaint from several pax: the business lounge was very crowded, and not enough toilets.
Liked direct boarding from the lounge, EK 201 was on stand 201.
Very late push back, delay due to one pax no show, then atc slot delay.
over 35 mins to taxi.

Made up over 1hr, due to generous block times, and very gentle head winds.
In JFK, the taxi way looked very narrow for the 380.
As usual picked the wrong line for immigration....twice.

I did a rapid turn round, colected my mew private jet, flew back same route, and worked for my living.

Overall a nice aircraft, and a pleasure to fly on.


2nd Apr 2009, 10:29
"The IFE content appeared to be dated, very few recent blockbusters. Fawlty Towers being the IFE highlight."

I'd call BS on this. The IFE is pretty much up to date with good movies. Faulty Towers??? Not exactly...