View Full Version : DAE – Dutch Antilles Express (Curacao)

25th Mar 2009, 14:56
Do not apply for this company, very bad management and very low salary and
Life in the island of Curacao is very expensive, and you will fly only 30 hours each month and only 4 destinations. THE WORST AIRLINE

Dream Land
25th Mar 2009, 15:05
If this is a ATR 72 gig, consider Vietnam Airlines. they pay well and conditions good. Same climate too.

26th Mar 2009, 13:34
What I can tell is that it is VERY difficult to find a job on the ATR. I have the type rating (no experience on type) and so far I have no replies.
Anyone could give some fresh internal information about:
Aer Arann?

By the way, what salary and rosta can you expect in Vietnam Airlines or Royal Air Maroc on the ATR fleet?

Many thanks,


10th Apr 2009, 13:10
Dutch Antilles Express are far from the worst airline....they are a regional airline who run on a LOCO model....they give many pilots thier 1st jobs...they pay a competative salary for the local market....and Curacao is no more expensive than anywhere else.......Yes I did work for them, I left for a job in europe and would I go back...YES.....

12th Apr 2009, 04:53
Quote:"What I can tell is that it is VERY difficult to find a job on the ATR. I have the type rating (no experience on type) and so far I have no replies."

Interesting statement.:uhoh:[/I]

12th Apr 2009, 07:46
hardly surprising though...but they never believe you when you warn them...:ugh:

12th Apr 2009, 12:10
Hardly surprising in this market that you have the type and arnt getting called....

Donkey Duke
13th Apr 2009, 04:38
Desk Bound,

Did you go fly ATRs in Europe too, or did you go somewhere else? How about a hint? Cheers.

6th Jul 2012, 12:15
:ok:Dear Fellow pilot

i would like to have some feedback from you because you already work for DAE in curacao , so i am with a positive feedback from them , but i don t have the types rating , could you if possible told me if i am not already have the rating on F100 ot ATR can i get it with an TRTO of my choice ? and what proces did they use to types rated they pilot? or do i nee if not typed does the types with them and how much is it ? It is a good airline to work for ? what about the salary and life cost in curacao because i am married with a young children ? So if you can help me it will be fine even i think you may stell busy as flying . Thanks so much in advance ,

No RYR for me
9th Jul 2012, 07:52
The one thing I know is that they require a LPE6... (and the French grandfather rights LPE6 does not apply..) Apart from that I have no idea.

9th Jul 2012, 08:15
No offense, but you need to improve your English before buying any useless typerating.:ok:

25th Nov 2012, 12:31
[QUOTE]Dear Fellow pilot

i would like to have some feedback from you because you already work for DAE in curacao , so i am with a positive feedback from them , but i don t have the types rating , could you if possible told me if i am not already have the rating on F100 ot ATR can i get it with an TRTO of my choice ? and what proces did they use to types rated they pilot? or do i nee if not typed does the types with them and how much is it ? It is a good airline to work for ? what about the salary and life cost in curacao because i am married with a young children ? So if you can help me it will be fine even i think you may stell busy as flying . Thanks so much in advance UOTE]
