View Full Version : Defence Supplement in Telegraph

25th Mar 2009, 10:36
Anyone else see the defence supplement today in the DT? Seems that the light blue obvioulsy weren't told about it.....

Great that we show off our defence capability with a picture of an F.....no I cant.....blah jet on the front armed with some very nasty looking Aim9s and a back page (ooh err) dedicated to the Dark Blue:yuk:

25th Mar 2009, 11:27
Senior Service old chap! :ok: Who wants to read an article about clapped out VC10's or Trishaws? :{:{

The Helpful Stacker
25th Mar 2009, 11:43
What do you expect from the Torygraph?

Old buffer has-beens are their core demographic, which ties in nicely with the relevance of the Senior Service to modern military operations.:ok:

Toddington Ted
25th Mar 2009, 20:35
Well, I read the Telegraph and, yes well I suppose I am almost an old RAF buffer has-been (I'm 54 today!) but at least on my previous birthday a Chinook and a TriStar got me home from the 'stan so I'll give a thanks to the "Trishaw." Now, this time next year..... Argh! I'll be a civvie but its too late, I'm institutionalised - well Foldingwings was my boss once! Oh yes, one more thing Stacker, I served in the Senior Service for 8 years so my loyalties have always been a little confused.

25th Mar 2009, 20:45
TT - all the best for the day - I'll raise a glass in a minute. I still can't forget you chortling while D*** T***** whinged on the survival cse :ok:

Toddington Ted
25th Mar 2009, 21:01
Thanks AA. Yes, I recall being a fat git can sometimes help in survival trg. I was disappointed that I didn't lose more excess ballast during the course though.