View Full Version : Battling back. Radio 4 - Wed, 25 March (today!) at 1100.

Al R
25th Mar 2009, 09:45
BBC - BBC Radio 4 Programmes - Battling Back (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00j72s8)

<Frank Gardner joins Operation Snow Warrior, a military winter training exercise with a difference. All the servicemen and women taking part are disabled and, like Frank, have returned to winter sports to prove to themselves that their active lives are not over.>

coley chaos
25th Mar 2009, 11:21
Good on him and to all those taking part. :D

Good to see some of the tax payers money going to enrich theses guys lives for what they have been through and have had to contend with, and i for one would love to be there to give em a shove at the top of the slope!!

Good news for a change in the present times.
