View Full Version : NATS "IPS Analyst" position on industrial placement

Dominic Nortney
24th Mar 2009, 18:20
Hi all,

I am interested in applying at NATS post uni in an attempt of eventually becoming an ATCO.

However I applied late last year for an "Industrial Placement" to an IPS Analyst position in at NATS.

I have just heard back and have been invited to an assessment day. Has anyone else here had the same idea for a 3rd year placement? Or if someone may have been through this process before, could they shed any light please.

Cheers Dom

eastern wiseguy
24th Mar 2009, 18:48
What is it? What do you do there? Whose budget are you on? :)

24th Mar 2009, 18:54
Silly question, perhaps, but why on earth would you want to do that when you really want to be an ATCO? Why not apply straight away for the job you want?

24th Mar 2009, 19:17

Industrial Placement


Has anyone else here had the same idea for a 3rd year placement?

(my emphasis added)

24th Mar 2009, 21:52
Mocoman. Sorry, your posting, like the original, is double dutch to me.

24th Mar 2009, 22:22
For the benefit of HD

Many university courses require their students to spend their 3rd year in industry. Like many other organisations, NATS takes on a number of these students, paying a nominal salary. They may end up in engineering or R&D for 12 months. They are likely to end up doing the basic analysis work for the teams to which they are allocated. (You might consider them to be cheap labour, as they tend to be both able and enthusiastic - cynicism comes later in their careers.)

There is usually one mathematician supporting the Surveillance Separation Standards Working Group and I know of an electronic engineer who is supporting the Pan-European Network activity.

I am sure that HD is not recommending that someone who will have already completed 2 years at university should abandon their course on the off chance that they might be successful in ATCO selection and training. Experience of the workings of NATS will surely do no harm when it comes to applying for ATCO training in 2 years time?

Dominic Nortney
24th Mar 2009, 23:24
Thanks for the reply all,

Sorry if I did not make things clear within the first post HD I think Pelton may have got the idea.

When looking for placement I searched the NATS careers website to look for placement opportunities and "IPS Analyst" was one of the possible choices. I figured a year work within NATS would only help me further when applying after my 3rd year of University in 2010.

There isn't much (if any) previous posting or information about the assessment or detailed roles that this job invloves so I posted in an attempt to become more aware.

If anyone could give advice on this position or assessment it is greatly appreciated. Ofcourse if it has large areas in common with ATCO selection procedures do not worry.

Thanks Dom

On the beach
25th Mar 2009, 08:43

If you are looking for a work placement with a view to gaining more knowledge about ATC, then I would suggest you try to get a year at Bournemouth (Hurn) in the Evaluation Unit (not sure if it's still called that). It's located in the building next to the college. There they deal with issues such as capacity enhancement using fast-time simulators. This will certainly give you an insight into the problems facing ATC and some of the solutions being trialled. Plus you will also get a valuable insight into current ATC procedures to see if that's the way you want to go. You will also get to meet some of the current students in the canteen and from their feedback get another valuable insight into ATC. I was an ATCO for 35 years and it took me all over the world, as well as being a great job. Whatever you choose, good luck.

On the beach :)

25th Mar 2009, 11:23
If anyone could give advice on this position or assessment it is greatly appreciated. Of course if it has large areas in common with ATCO selection procedures do not worry.

NATS uses a similar structure for all its recruiting so some bits will be similar to the ATCO selection process. Expect a "technical" interview with a NATS person familiar with your subject area, at your level of experience they are likely to concentrate on your degree subject, and an HR interview with a personnel person. What else depends upon how many candidates are being recruited and interviewed. NATS loves group exercises which show how well you work with other people and also your problem solving abilities. My advice would be similar to that frequently given to ATCO candidates, spend a bit of time learning about NATS and what it does, make sure you know your specialist subject and above all be yourself. If you try to be the person you think NATS wants you will inevitably get caught out.

25th Mar 2009, 11:34

If you do apply, get someone to check your grammar. I'm not being funny, it's an important point. I am aware that spelling and grammar are largely ignored in the present education system.

Dominic Nortney
25th Mar 2009, 12:40
Once again thank you for the replies,

"On the Beach" I will look into the Evaluation Unit you mentioned it does sound more specific in terms of ATC procedures. As stated it appears that looking through the NATS interview threads will help alot with the assessment day. I just confirmed my interview date and it states that there will be a "group exercise" during the day so you were right about that.

If you do apply, get someone to check your grammar.

Sorry I have a tendancy on internet forums to not concentrate on grammatical details. I like to think I do when writing reports and on applications :ooh:

I am doing Air Transport Management at Loughborough so it is rather topical. I could have done Economics or similar subjects but I didn't want to be bored or with hundreds of other students doing the same course.

Cheers Dom

25th Mar 2009, 15:39
If you do get subjected to a group exercise make sure you do not listen to anyone elses point of view - particularly if it is apparent that they happen to be an expert on the subject. Then railroad your ideas through and on completion, suggest holding a lavish party to celebrate whatever it is you have decided.

You'll be head hunted for NATS middle to upper management within hours :ok:

25th Mar 2009, 16:18
You got invited to the Central Development Group Party then. :ugh:

25th Mar 2009, 16:46
Arkady - correct actually!!!

(But I did turn it down)

26th Mar 2009, 13:33

I wish you luck then. Cheers.