View Full Version : NATS Departure Lounge

23rd Mar 2009, 21:09

I have been having problems receiving emails from NATS HR, quite desperate to get onto Departure lounge now! I have logon details but just dont have a link to the lounge. If anyone could send it to me in a private message I would be very grateful!!
I start on course 219 in may, is anyone else on the same course?



23rd Mar 2009, 21:41
Thanks a lot, feel a bit more organised now!!

23rd Mar 2009, 22:56
"NATS Departure Lounge".
What's this?
A special club for MACC ATCOs? :}

Fletchers Left Boot
24th Mar 2009, 09:00
Zooker, was there any need for that?

What IS your connection with ATC anyway? ATCO? ATSA? None?

24th Mar 2009, 12:16
NATS Departure lounge is for band 5 only :E

24th Mar 2009, 14:04
..but most band 4 controllers can blag their way in to see how the other half live :E

26th Apr 2009, 15:53
Could whoever supplied IanS with the departure lounge address mail me with them as well. I am also starting in May with IanS.

Many thanks

26th Apr 2009, 20:45
Nvm I found it.

26th Apr 2009, 21:37
To Fletchers Left Boot,

Personally, I've blocked Zooker - a wondeful tool that means you can't see the nonsense he posts.

FYI, (as far as I can gather) he is a spotter who listens to (mostly MACC) ATC making him/her/it fully qualified to comment on these threads!!

Tower Ranger
26th Apr 2009, 23:47
Is Nats Departure Lounge for all the Atco`s leaving for the Middle East?

27th Apr 2009, 13:06
I'm amazed to find now my desk piled up with CVs from young NATS ATCOs who would have previously never left NATS

Sure that would never happen in "One of the top 20 companies to work for in the country" and "A world leader in Air Traffic Management" :)

Tower Ranger
27th Apr 2009, 16:13
Nats are world leaders not only in Atc but in completely alienating and hacking off there employees. They are currently working on a very successful campaign to divide and conquer and have the lowest morale of any Atc provider in Europe.

27th Apr 2009, 17:06
"and have the lowest morale of any Atc provider in Europe" Where is the evidence to support this claim I have yet to see staff leaving in their droves only a few people here complaining?:\

The Many Tentacles
27th Apr 2009, 18:28
I'd leave, but at the moment I can't

I'm stuck in a house with negative equity and I'm paying back debts that take a hefty chunk out my wages. Once my debts clear in a few years and I've made some inroads into the mortgage at the same time then I will be looking all over the world if NATS is going the same way it is now.

27th Apr 2009, 22:45
"Personally, I've blocked Zooker"
If this is the case, how can you possibly know whether or not nonsense is being posted? :E
notwithstanding the above, 15 posts in, we are still no wiser as to the exact location of the 'NATS Departure Lounge'.
I suspect it might be an obscure concept, which has been cunningly devised by 'HR head honchos'. :}

27th Apr 2009, 22:55
The departure lounge location has clearly been PMed to the people that need it....

28th Apr 2009, 09:17

The man at the top doesn't give a damn about valid, experienced controllers...or any other staff...with loads to offer leaving NATS because he will be leaving himself soon with loads of wonga in his pockets. He certainly isn't going to lose sleep over the trail of misery he has left behind.:ugh::*

28th Apr 2009, 11:19
To the OP,

There are some things on the departure lounge you have to learn prior to college so hope (it seems so) that you have got your access sorted.

smellysnelly2004 (http://www.pprune.org/members/103710-smellysnelly2004) - ZOOKER now added to my ignore list also, I assume he is probably the most blocked user on here!

28th Apr 2009, 11:33
Zooker is obviously not an ATCO else would know what the NATS Departure Lounge actually is!

28th Apr 2009, 13:32
Zooker is obviously not an ATCO else would know what the NATS Departure Lounge actually is!

Unless he/she is an ATCO who went through the recruitment process in recent years, then he wouldn't know what the Departure Lounge is (and how useless it is !!)

28th Apr 2009, 21:15
Never assume anything, especially in aviation. :ok:
According to your location indicator, I see you are from Wimborne. - Splendid!
Next time you attempt to borrow a book from the famous 'chained library', give my regards to the ghost of King Ethelred. - He'll be ready! :}